Let The Chips Fall

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A/n: Hey Everyone, I don't think I can say much of anything that will make up for my large gaps inbetween updates but i'm pretty sure most of the people who were interested in my stories probaby went off somewhere else and I don't really blame them. I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Main dialogue:here
Inner thoughts:"here"
First person dialouge:'here'
POV and setting changes:*here*
Action scenes:(here)

*3rd POV*

As Y/n was in hiding from Darth Vader and his imperial forces, we focus on Darth as he stares silently in a direction as The Storm troopers stood in formation

Storm Commander: Sir, what's our next move?

Vader: That is yet to be seen but our prisoner will be of great use to me.

Storm Commander: The Mustafarian sir?

Vader: Yes bring him to me at once

Storm Commander: Yes sir (He turns to the other troops in Formation)
Get ready to move out!

(Vader continued to face forward seemingly in a world of his own as his Raspy and echoing breaths are reverberating throughout the cave )

Vader: "I will locate the prisoner, I will not have my plans will not be foiled, but I mustn't kill him he is to useful to me and his connection to the force...reminds of Him

(He then turned around and walked towards the group of soldiers they were dragging a beaten and bruised Vylip in, with chains on his arms as he's thrown to the ground right at Vader's feet)

Vylip: Argh...y-you...Darth Vader...

Vader: You will lead me to the prisoner

Vylip: i-I refuse to be your puppet!

Vader: You have no choice in the matter, you will assist my troops in cornering the prisoner and securing the bright star.

Vylip: I...I won't do it, I sensed it... he's going to grow stronger then anything you've ever imagined...He will save Mustafar!

(Vader then raises his hand force choking Vylip as he lifted him up into the air and Brought him closer to him)

Vader: Your loyalty will be your undoing, and I assure you I will break it and make use of you

(Vylip then falls to the floor in a heap gasping for breathe as stormtroopers we're then able to lock him up once again, placing the chains back on him and dragging him away the only thing he could hear was the echoing sounds of Vader's hallow and raspy breathing)

*CLO-3's POV*

In an unknown part of the caverns deeper in depths as the glowing crystals illuminated the deep dark cave we see our character in

'Uhh...That was not a pleasant experience my systems seems to be working well...Crap The Captain, Vylip!'

(I try to get up and move and survey my surroundings but I couldn't move noticing that my hover systems are destroyed)

'Ahh scrap, I can't deal with this now! I need to help my captain!'

(With that said I began to crawl across the ground the grating sound of my metal scraping against the rocky and rough exterior of the cave floor echoing through the cavern as I struggle making little to no progress)

'Fuck....I need to keep going and make up to where to a repair depot or something, I need to help somehow!

??: Well then maybe I can assist you with that

'What the- who's their!?'

Priestess: An ally to your captain little droid

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Priestess: An ally to your captain little droid.

'You know the captain, is he ok!

Priestess: He is Alive, okay is something I can not guarantee however.

'Captain... You gotta be Okay..'

"It's been awhile and I thought I was done for, the last thing I remember before being thrown off by Lord Vader was my Captain screaming for me.."

'Please Help me with I need to help him and Vylip'

Priestess: That I can do Droid and here is something that will assist you greatly

(After she said that I was suddenly lifted off the ground as the lady began to glow and in a flash of light we appear in another part of cave but this time it was full of the same ancient guard droids as the ones we saw before)

'Why bring me here I thought you'd take me to where my captain or at least Vylip's location'

Priestess: And what pray tell would you do to help your captain if you can't move right?


(I look around and glance at the scraped droids in the back of the cave as It Instantly clicked)

'I have an idea...can you bring me tools?'

Priestess: that is within my ability

'Good because I'm going to need your help alot here'

Priestess: Understood let us begin

*Y/n's POV*

Dorian: The plan for this is risky but a necessity if we want to beat Darth Vader.

'Yeah I figured that already,but what do you expect me to do against someone unbeatable like him? My force use is pretty limited and I'm not even good at using this lightsaber so I won't last long enough to make any difference or buy you enough time'

Dorian: I understand that's why I have no intention of having you fight him directly your potential is extraordinary but at your level you will have no chance against the dark lord

'Tell me something I don't know already, so what is it that I can do? In the end it's gonna have to be me and him, and I need to stall him long enough for you to sabotage the eon engine. So what exactly can I do?"

Dorian: You'll need to dictate the fight your use of the force up till now has been weak yet you simply are doing alot for someone who just discovered their abilities that is a cause of concern and intrigue, my Lady Corvax was a powerful force user indeed, but to grow at the rate you are is unheard of.

'(sigh) Okay and what do we do with the bright star while I'm dealing with the ultimate evil In the Galaxy?'

Dorian: I believe you'll know what to do, trust in the force and it will guide you I must go now to prepare and gather my strength

'Trusting in the force won't be enough, but yeah yeah sure I'll get going and take care of things on my end'

(With those final parting words, Dorian Floats up and dissapears leaving me there alone as I sigh in slight annoyance as I turn around looking at the army of
Stone and ancient droids)

"It's time for things to start falling into place"

A/n: And that's a wrap folks I can't begin to apologize for how sorry I am and I'm not going to try because there's nothing I can say to make up for how long it took me to do this. Once again I'm so so sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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(VADER IMMORTAL) male insertWhere stories live. Discover now