Mistakes have been made

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Now to those who read this story sorry i haven't been updating i've been working on my other story, but I still going to keep this one going.As always I don't own star wars, or the picture used now enjoy!

Setting change/POV:*here*
Action scene:(here)

*3rd person POV*

Y/n:lady corvax! As a face on a door? "This shit is getting weirder and weirder?"

(The face then started to move up and down in a wave like pattern before speaking)

L.corvax:To my descendant I have made a grave mistake,my husband received a fatal blow in battle.And in my haste I tried to use Mustafar's most sacred heart, the Bright star to heal my husband...I failed and while i used the Bright star, the planet was utterly ruined because of my use of it.  You my decendent have a chance to right my wrongs please save Mustafar from my mistakes!

(After finishing what she had to say the face in the door begin to mold back together and open)

Vader: Lady corvax had no idea how much power she had. But with the power of the Bright star and the Eon engine I will be unstoppable(walks through the now opened door)

(as the two walked down another corridor they enter a room eith a pedestal)

Vader:Lava imps use the force to despose of these vermin.

Y/n:Ok(closes eye's and raises hand)
(And like magic the imps began to explode one by one as y/n slowly tightened his fist until he stopped himself)

Vader: Good your slowly starting to truly understand but you need to learn control your fear.Now go to the pedestal and and activate the door.

Y/n: Sure(walks to the pedestal and activates it,the ground shakes and then stops) the fuck?

(And in a flash the floor beneath y/n crumbles as the platform beneath him starts to fall until Vader uses the force to keep it steady and afloat)

Vader:  You need to learn how to control your fear

Y/n:That's easy for you to say!

(As Vader almost had the platform leveled out an enormous beast jump down from the ceiling swipping at vader who dodged and ignited his lightsaber loseing focus causing the platform to fall into the darkness below.)

*Y/n's POV*

Y/n:wha-where am I?(looks around to see complete darkness)

???: Heed me...Vader seeks the power of the bright star he must...NOT...succeed! I have glimped a terrible future,were he controls it's full power...entire Galaxies will crumble in his grasp surrendering their vitality to satisfy his unsaturated hunger.

Y/n:But why tell me this!? Why not have the mustafarians?

???: YOU must find the Bright star before Vader does...return it to the mustafarians,entrust it to there keeping,and maybe...they can heal this cursed world.

Y/n:Why me though, I want answers!

???: As of now i can't give you the answers you seek for i have suspended time briefly to speak with you. The tomb holding the bright star lies above I am weakening....GO!

Y/n:Fine let's do this

(After finishing their conversation the world seemingly fades to white until...)

Y/n:Ah...wha-where the hell? Oh right the tomb!(gets up and serveys the area) he said it's above me right now...well better start climbing.

A/n:And that's a rap on the on this chapter it's been to long since i updated this but i promise that won't happen again.

(VADER IMMORTAL) male insertWhere stories live. Discover now