Into the depths

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A/n: sorry to who reads my story for not updating i've been sick for the last few days and couldn't upload but i'm feeling a little better and going to continue writing this story, without further delay enjoy the story.

Zoe3: ok captain the shutters are open we can escape!

Y/n:Great now get in there(pushes zoe3 inside)


Y/n: alright alright jezz you can float in midair if anything you can just fly us back to the hanger?

Zoe3: no i can't because you decided to cheap out and NOT upgrade my thrusters.(crosses arms)

Y/n:ok ok I can take a hint let just get off mustafar then go on from there.

(The two move slowly across the ledge overlooking the fiery landscape of mustafar)

(The two move slowly across the ledge overlooking the fiery landscape of mustafar)

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Zoe3:lt looks kind of beatiful for a fiery hellscape and all?

Y/n:yeah it does,who coulda though vader's vaction home could be so beautiful. Well that enough sightseeing lets pick up the pace.

(After saying that the duo makes it back inside the fortress, by crawling through the vents)

Zoe3:stay quiet we going to have to move through populated rooms to reach to cavern entrance.

Y/n:Got it lets go( starts moving ahead)

(While silently shuffling through the vents they pass by a dimly lit room with someone in all black on with vader )

???:You now have the final component for the Eon Engine finally in your grasp.

Vader:there can be no doubt

???: You have found a descendentof lady corvax then?

Vader:One of the last it would seem, he even opened the artifact.

Zoe3:"corvax" it that what vylip meant about your bloodline?

Y/n: shut up

???:with the candidate's help you gain access to lady corvax's sanctem and gain mastery over death itself, what you've been yearning for so long is finally within your grasp.

(After they said that a weird stone start pulsing with strange energy, vader moves pass the figure and kneels infront of the stone)

Vader:leave me

(After that was said the figure leaves, vader starts to take off his helmet and places both next to him)


Y/n:"padmè? Senator padmè amadala? How does vader know her?"

(After vader said that name the stone started to shine and a female face was somewhat viewable)

Stone:Somthing wonderful...has...happened...ani...I'm pre(the stone stops abruptly)

(no longer forming words just sounds, vader coulded hear these sounds but for some reason you could, these sounds penetrated your mind, you began hearing things that sounded out of place,the fierce clashing of lightsabers, the cries of children, blasters going off left and right,and raspy breathing, all these sounds played out in your mind,but you were shook free from your visions by vader in his sadness and rage.)

Vader?:AHHHHHHHH(with the force, the area around him started to break down and shake with intesity)

Zoe3:oh scrag captain let get out of here before we get killed(starts moving turns to see you not moving) captain! Let's go.

Y/n:H-huh o-oh ok got it(starts moving)

(After finally getting out of the vents they find themselfs at the entrance to the caverns)

Zoe3:Woah to think that this was undernether vader's castle, anyway let's find this preistess and get the

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Zoe3:Woah to think that this was undernether vader's castle, anyway let's find this preistess and get the...captain?

Y/n: ...

Zoe3: Captain we need to get moving before they center on our location.

Y/n:O-ok lead the way

(The duo start to journey deeper in the caverns until they find a skiff just sitting there)

(The duo start to journey deeper in the caverns until they find a skiff just sitting there)

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Y/n: well this is just to convenient to not be a trap.

Zoe3: that so obvious but we can't get to the other side of the caverns without it(starts messing with the controls) ok good news is that it still works, the bad news is that it gives off an energy spike when it turns on so when i get this thing going stormtroopers will start flooding in.

Y/n:...sigh fine start it up

Zoe3: roger roger(presses a few button then pulls the lever down)
I forgot to mention that this engine is very old and the skiff won't go to fast.
Y/n: (takes lightsaber hilt in hand) just fly the damn thing

S.trooper: there they are fire!

(The troopers started firing with relentless persistence, just to have some bolts get deflected back at them)

Y/n: Are we almost there!?(deflects bolt)

Zoe3: Ah!(bolt hit part of the panel) what are you doing back there!?

Y/n: shut up I'm not a jedi, we're lucky that I'm doing as well as i am no shut up and drive(blocks another bolt)

(After a another close encounter, the duo makes it to the other side of the caverns)

Y/n:Ok now what?

Zoe3:we go deeper in, there we should be able to find the priestess.

Y/n:Ok let's go.

Author note: sorry for not uploading, i hope this chapter is good, everyone have a great day 👍🏾😁👍🏾

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