Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Author's note:I have never written a story in my life so i wanted to apologize in advance for any thing to weird or cringe, so enjoy the story.

Y/n:this spice BETTER be worth getting on hutts bad side!

Zoe3: Captain we need to jump to hyperspace NOW!!!

Y/N:i know that just jump...NOW

(On Board the windfall while in hyperspace)

Y/n: ok while I'm in the back checking the cargo I want you to run a diagnostic test on the ship.

Zoe3: can do captain(she levitates towards the control panel and starts the scan) oh scrag, the main sensor intenna, and the deflector shields, ok time to reroute the pow...

( the ship starts to bump around and exists hyperspace)

Y/n:(runs to the hull) what just happened!?

Zoe3: we were draged out of hyperspace?

Y/n: ok but were are we now?

Zoe3: ummm(checks the cockpits computer) the atravis sector? Were in the outer rim!?

Y/n: who pulled us out of hyperspace?
(As if answering your question a stardestroyer flys over head while tyfighters swarm the sides)

Y/n: ah crap hear we go again,(pulling out his blaster)

(A transmittion was heard over the coms) ???:this is Admiral karris of the galactic Empire, surrender you ships controls or suffer termination

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(A transmittion was heard over the coms)
???:this is Admiral karris of the galactic Empire, surrender you ships controls or suffer termination.

Y/n: 🖕🏾😒

Zoe3:ok surrendering control to you(typing on the control panel).

Y/n: This is going to end up in flames.

(The ship starts to go down to torwards the planets surface untill there on surface and now start docking)

Karris: open your doors for ship inspection!

Y/n: no I don't think I will!!

Karris:You will follow orders now, OPEN YOUR DOORS!

Zoe3:I got a bad feeling about this captain.

Y/n: I know just calm down and hid the weaponry and credit's caches.

Zoe3:yes sir(starts hiding the weapons and credit's)

Y/n:(hids blaster) ok were opening the doors now.

(As the doors open the Admiral and and two troopers enter and knocks y/n and Zoe3 out)

(VADER IMMORTAL) male insertWhere stories live. Discover now