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I was walking upstairs to go to room C113. It was 8:25 Am and The class ended at 9:12 am, So I was gonna get in & out. When I walked in the room was ginormous it took me a while to find it though. But it was worth it. It was so decorated it had flags from every country on one wall. It was really pretty like something you would see from out of the movies. my thoughts got interrupted by a big school bell. A whole lot of people started to come into the classroom. I read my schedule one more time to see what my teacher's name was, funny enough it was Mrs. Wonka.
Mrs.Wonka: Alright!! Alright, everyone!! Take a seat! And let's get focused please. [She makes a sweet gesture and smiles at me]

Everyone was taking their seats like they were assigned. Everybody knew where to go except for me, so there I was looking stupid in the corner with my schedule in both of my hands. Then it got quiet and everyone was staring at me.
Mrs.Wonka: Well, Hello There!
Acela: (awkwardly) Uh...Hey!
Mrs.Wonka: Well, come on now! Take a seat! we don't bite.

I go to take a seat, convenient there was only one left. In the front row, it was so awkward everybody watched me walk up to my seat until I sat down that's when class started. And it was boring she wasn't talking about anything I haven't learned before. Same old same old. So I popped both of my AirPods in and played music while staring at Mrs. Wonka, to make her think that I was paying attention and I didn't hear a thing she said. Some time went by and she was looking at me while moving her mouth so I quickly took out my earbuds.

Acela: huh? I'm sorry, what?

Some of the students in the back giggled.
Mrs.Wonka: I said, you're partners with Vinnie.
Acela: (confused) With who?

As she looks at me with slight frustration, pointing to the near back of the classroom, I still couldn't tell who she was talking about so she said-...
Mrs.Wonka: Mr.Hacker, could you be a dear and stand up for this little cutie pie?

A very tall, yet masculine body goes to stand. It stood with a bunch of confidence, my eyes went from his feet to his eyes slowly. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me he noticed, it was like everything in the background was blurred out and he was the main focus. Although I did hear some guys laughing in the back I didn't mind. But it wasn't too long before I realized that it was weirdo #2. And the guy that was hugging Katie from behind. That's when the record screeched. And I had stopped looking and slight disappointment I didn't know why but I was disappointed.
Mrs.Wonka: Are you ok with that?
Acela: (shrugging) I Don't Mind it.
I glanced back at him, and he had a slight satisfied smirk on his face-...
Mrs.Wonka: Alright!! Everyone find a space in the room to go with your partner... and get started on notes and I will be at my desk if you need me, oh and don't get too loud guys.

I glanced at him once more, and he was calling me over with his arm and hand, I shook my head as a "No!" Telling him to come here, where I was. But he refused, he was stubborn. And I already didn't like him. So I rolled my eyes knowing that this non-talking argument wasn't getting us anywhere, and I went over to his area and sat right next to him.

Vinnie: (sarcastically) Nice to meet you too!

I knew this was his way of telling me my attitude was sucky, so I decided to play along.
Acela: Who said it was Nice?
He looks at me with confusion at first. One of his eyebrows obviously raised, Then a cocky smirk appeared on his lips.
Vinnie: Oh?
Acela: yeah. Now can please get started on the notes?

He followed my instruction, and I was confident in my work sense back at my old school I paid attention a lot in all my classes. I think I was three wars ahead of the whole class. Vinnie seemed impressed of how I ran through the assignment smoothly.
Vinnie: Damn, ok....Well...um. Could you slowdown, just a little bit?
Acela: Huh? What?

{~.I Hate Loving you.~}  🅐 🅥🅘🅝🅝🅘🅔 🅗🅐🅒🅚🅔🅡 🅢🅣🅞🅡🅨Where stories live. Discover now