"You can always come to me." -Rowelle

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⚠️WARNING MENTIONS⚠️: Suicide, depression, Bullying.

Hey Besties & Buds!-.... so on Thursday, while I was in 8th period at school we were talking about suicide and depression. Honestly don't even remember or know how the conversation got brought up. But it did, and somehow my teacher my teacher overheard us. And of course she misunderstood me and my schoolmates whole conversation. She got really angry, and walked off and went to her classroom phone to call the counselor. She thought one of my schoolmates brought up suicide because she was telling us that she wanted to kill herself. But literally it was the total opposite she was talking about a song she heard that had a metaphor of suicide in it. Some of you may know the song it's by "YNW Melly". It's a heart breaking song that has a lyric in it that mentions the word " suicidal". My teacher took that into her own hands and made it into a huge problem, now before I continue let me just say this suicide is a HUGE deal! It is not something only adults deal with on a daily day basis, but kids! Fucking babies man! Teens! And even the elderly! It's something that a lot of people have to put up with sadly, rather that be with themselves, or relative or just a friend. And sadly the numbers have increased by every second of the day someone is taking their own life or even just thinking about taking their life.
And it's sad but it's true, and I know that I have to talk about it even if I don't like it I have to because I have to remember that some of my friends deal with that, then my supporters deal with it, and even sometimes myself. I know how it feels. Not feeling appreciated, excepted, or confident. I know how all of that works. In fact I know it too well. I have problems with my looks, how I act, and how I feel about things. But that's not the case with many people some people just want to do it because they're numb and nothings for them in the world anymore they have no inspiration they have no motivation and that's OK too. But it is NOT OK I repeat it is NOW OK for you to take your own life. And I know, easy for me to say right? Yeah I don't know one thing about you that may be true, I don't know about the environment you live in I don't know what you have to put up with every day I don't know your life at all. But I'm willing to learn and if at any time you need to talk to anyone vent to anyone or just say hi to someone I will always be here my messages are open and I have a business number you can't call it but you can text it.

#: 813-576-5233

Again don't be afraid to contact it, I know it can be hard putting your business out there but OUR conversations will stay between YOU and I. And again you can't call it you can only text it this is not my direct or my main number this is only for business and for my fans to drop suggestions, tell me about their problems, or both. So if you feel like no one understands or no one cares, I will always be here for you and I love you no matter who you are no matter race you are no matter gender you identify as I am here. And I will try my hardest to keep YOU HERE! I know we have a lot of things going on in the world and that can cause stress, but if we got that orange out of the office we can do anything now. I love you all so very much and I will always be here for you guys.

{~.I Hate Loving you.~}  🅐 🅥🅘🅝🅝🅘🅔 🅗🅐🅒🅚🅔🅡 🅢🅣🅞🅡🅨Where stories live. Discover now