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Why did she want to talk to me? Did she know about what happened yesterday? And if she did, why would she care? I Look around before going to her. I see some small group of girls gathered up & giggling. As my eyes circle around the room, suddenly The whole room froze. I saw Vinnie, staring at me. Pissfully. I went deaf for a minute, like it was just Him & I in the room. But then all the got interrupted-...

Mrs.Wonka: Acela! [Acela jumps]
Acela: (gasping) uh....yes Ma'am?
Mrs.Wonka: come here, please.

I walked up to her while everyone continued to do their work, and Talking.

Mrs.Wonka: (Bluntly) You were 10 minutes late.
Acela: (short) yeah?
Mrs.Wonka: Yes,...[sarcastic grin]...Why?
Acela: I was-...in the restroom.
Mrs.Wonka: mmm...ok! Let me know next time ok?
Acela: ok.
Awkward silence.
Acela:....Is that all?
Mrs.Wonka: No, actually. Here-...[Hands her  a pink small note]
Acela: (confused) what is this?
Mrs.Wonka: Read.

It was an detention slip from the principal.
Fuck. I forgot.

Acela: Oh!
Mrs.Wonka: yeah.
Acela: I forgot.
Mrs.Wonka: Apparently.

I didn't know where she was trying to get at. I didn't understand her frustration, but I didn't want to be silent again, so I just started to make a random conversation.

Acela: Look I-...
Mrs.Wonka: Are you crazy!? You've only been here for a day and you've already caused problems! [Acela looking surprised]... i'm shocked, in fact I'm flabbergasted! Here I am thinking you're some innocent and very smart girl, and for a WEEK?!... what could you've possibly done that gave you a WEEK of detention?

Why did she care? I hardly even know her she hardly even knows me! When did it start being ok for people to act like they know you? or even care for you and they don't?

Acela: Look, it's been a long 48 hours. Can we not talk about this now? I'm over it. Entirely. [Wonka takes back]
Mrs.Wonka: Hmm! I see!... alrighty then! (sarcastically) I see that you have matured in those "48 hours"!.... never mind then, go take your seat class is about to get started.

After that I took my seat. I didn't make eye contact with anybody in that class room today. Instead I just did the work that needed to be done turned it in, and spend the rest of the time listening to music with my earbuds. And wait for the time to flyby. After that I went through all the rest of my seven classes. And walked back into Mrs.Wonka's room. To find mrs. Wonka doing some paperwork at her desk, and Vinnie at his desk again as well. I didn't know he had detention too! At least it wasn't for the whole week, like me.

Mrs.Wonka: Well, let the party begin!

Her and Vinnie both look at me, I look at him with a blank stare, but he just looks back at his phone.

Mrs.Wonka: Well don't just stand there, go sit at your seat.
Acela: ok. [She goes sits]

School gets out at 3:35pm

Vinnie: Um-...Excuse me What Time do we get out of here?
Mrs.Wonka: 6:00pm.

Damn it, But-...

Mrs.Wonka: And if you guys want, do homework from another class, or just sit silently with your phones. And I should not hear your devices! So, with that being said please make sure you have headphones.

{~.I Hate Loving you.~}  🅐 🅥🅘🅝🅝🅘🅔 🅗🅐🅒🅚🅔🅡 🅢🅣🅞🅡🅨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें