Reverse ch.46

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My dad stayed for the rest of the event as we packed up I kinda just dodged him. But overall the event was a success .

"You ready to go ?" Carlos asked me snapping me out of my trace

"Me ? Oh yeah ." I said

We got in the car and started driving home since today was both of our days off

"T are you okay ?" He asked

"Yeah I just wish my dad would listen he should be resting ." I said looking out the window

"But t it was the other way around when you got shot .. all I'm saying is can you understand where he's coming from ?" He said looking at me grabbing my hand

"Oh my god I've been such a jerk to him all day ." I said palming my face .

" maybe try talking to him when you next see him ..." Carlos said

" I Just want him to heal up and not be sick again I don't want him to be alone I'm the only family he has left I just want him to be okay ." I said shaking my hands

" and he will be t he will be okay thanks to you ."

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