Accused ch.66

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Carlos dropped me off at work then heading back to work himself I walked into work seeing that everyone's around the ems truck

"Hey guys what going on -." I asked as everyone looked at me

As I made my way over

"Drugs where stolen from the truck ." Tommy said as everyone looked at me

" and lemme guess you all think it was me ?" I said as everyone still had their eyes on me

"Was it ?" My dad asked

" wow thanks ."

"Can we speak in private Tk for a minute " Tommy said

"Yeah" I said as I followed her to her office as my dad came along with Tommy

"Drugs where stolen and you .. have a history of opioid abuse I'm afraid I'll have to suspend you ."

"Are you kidding me ... it wasn't me I'll gladly take a drug test if I must because obviously nobody has any trust in me ."

"We do have trust in you Tk." my dad said

"Then what the hell was that down there ! I come into work for my shift and first thing I get is crap about you people thinking I stole drugs wow and of all people you asked me if I did dad yeah some trust that is ."

"You know what I'll take a drug test and when the results come in and you all can see I'm clean then maybe just maybe y'all can put some effort into finding the person who really did this ." I said getting up and leaving

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