World ch.83

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I woke up I turned over to see Tk but he wasn't there I went o go text him when I was caught off guard by a text from Owen

 I woke up I turned over to see Tk but he wasn't there I went o go text him when I was caught off guard by a text from Owen

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I got out of bed and got dressed but I couldn't help but think how much TK's worrying about his dad

I got to the hospital I came thru seeing Tk

Sitting looking at the ceiling

"Hey what are you doing here ?" He asked as I sat down

"Your dad texted me that he didn't want you left alone he knows how you worry but why didn't you wake me up we could've gone together .." I asked

"Because Carlos it's your only day off since 2 weeks ago you shouldn't be spending in a hospital so go home enjoy your day off please I'll be fine I promise." He said putting his hand on my hand

" I don't care if it's my only day off since two weeks I could be getting off a 24 hour shift and I would take the time to be here with you Tk you matter to me my day off is gonna be good as long as I'm with you so imma stay here with you ."

"Carlos you really don't -."

"I want to ."

" I don't deserve you ." He said resting his head on my shoulders

"Tyler Kennedy you deserve the world ." I said kissing his head

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