Chapter 24. | we need to talk

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(Jennie's OOTD)

24 ;

After Santana's and I talk yesterday, we decided to seek guidance from Ms. Holiday. She seems like a trustworthy adult. Plus, I am ninety-nine sure that she has hooked up with a woman before.

So after school, we sought out for her. We looked all over for her. When we were about to give up, we caught her exiting the library. "Ladies." Ms. Holiday smiled. "Ms. Holiday, we need your help." Santana told her seriously.

"Follow me so we can talk in private." The older woman said concernedly. Santana and I followed her to an empty classroom. She pulled out two candles and lit them before sitting them on the ground. She then sat on the ground.

"Join me." Ms. Holiday smiled as she patted a spot on the ground. "So, why are we sitting on the floor instead of the perfectly fine chairs that are behind us?" I asked confusedly.

"Cause we're in Japan. No. Welcome to my sacred, sexy sharing circle." The older woman announced.

"So, what is the issue?" She asked us. "Believe it or not but, Santana and I regularly hook up. We hook up so much that I am confused where our relationship stands." I explained.

"First off, I want to thank you guys for confiding in me, cause I know this is tough. And I want to ask both of you if either one of you thinks that you might be a lesbian?" Ms. Holiday asked Santana and I.

"I don't know. I mean I hooked up with Finn twice just a week or so ago." I answered.

"Yeah, I mean, who knows? I'm attracted to girls, and I'm attracted to guys. I've made out with a mannequin. I even had a sex dream about a shrub that was just in the shape of a person." Santana responded.

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