Author's Note!!

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I apologize for the very very veeeery long time it took for me to actually update this story sksksksksks

Usually I figured I'd publish 1 chapter a month cause honest to God I'm a procrastinating mf :'D (but here we are I stopped midway)

To those who actually keep in touch with my story or are mildly amused by it I apologize for just disappearing off the face of the earth💀💀

Life has been very weird and loopy and I have been very busy with a lot of things that are important. It'll be a while until this book gets updated but when I do come back writing and all that crap I'll drop a lot of chapters idk.

So yeah, tl;dr I was and still am swamped with a lot of stuff to do but when I do catch a long break I'd update the fuck outta this book

Idk where I was going with this author's note, (just felt like leaving this here) but aaaanyways, thank you so much for those who are reading this story!! It means a lot to me (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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