Chapter 2

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May's POV

It's been a week, and Coulson went to go save Audrey. I always felt my heart tug when anything with her came up. I couldn't ignore my feelings for Coulson any longer, but I hid them away. He should be happy with someone like her, bright, beautiful, happy. Perfect. Unlike me, I was broken, beyond repair.

By this point I had lost all feeling except for in my right hand, legs and internal organs. I decided it was time to tell Skye.

I knocked on her door.

"May? Come in." My stomach churned but I ignored it.

She saw the pained expression that I let slip through. She had become like a daughter to me.

"May, what's wrong?" Her face was filled with worry.

I didn't know what to say so I just hugged her. She stiffened at first then melted into the hug.

Skye's POV

I was shocked, I mean who would expect Melinda May to hug you. She broke the hug and looked at me.

"May, what's wrong,".


Ok now I was worried, "You can tell me," I said softly.

She took a breath and said, "I was poisoned and within the next few weeks I will lose all feeling in all of my limbs and organs," she paused, "Soon my heart will go numb and stop beating." I froze, "My whole body is numb except my right hand, legs, and internal organs,".

A tear slipped out, she wiped it away and smiled, "Hey, I'm still here," then her smile turned pained, "just no Tai Chi in the mornings anymore," and a tear slipped from her eye.

I couldn't believe it, my voice got stuck in my throat, "No, no, no..."

"Skye, look at me," she tilted my head up.

"I'm still here right?" I nodded, "Then that's all that matters," she gave me a sad smile.

At this point I was sobbing and she wrapped her arms around me. Suddenly, the hanger opened, they've returned.

"I'm gonna go tell Trip okay? Also if you see Coulson don't tell him, I don't want to burden him more." I reluctantly nodded. She kissed my forehead and left the room.

After she left I broke down, she was like a mother to me. I went out shortly after to go to the bathroom and wipe my face.

"Skye!" Coulson's voice rang through the hall. I froze. How was I supposed to explain my tear stained face to him.

"Skye, how are you?" He asked.

"Go-od," Oh no, my voice cracked.

He turned me around and saw my face, " What happened?" He asked softly.

I didn't know what to say. Then the name slipped, "M-May...". I covered my mouth to stop a sob.

His voice suddenly turned hard, "What did May do?"

I turned away, "I'm sorry I can't!" And I just ran, ignoring my name being called.

Sorry it's a short chapter. This is my first fanfic, so sorry if it's bad. Hope you liked it!!

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