Chapter 8

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Fitz's POV

We touched down in the new base, I looked around. What was this place? When the hangar door opened I looked out, and there was Eric... but wasn't Eric dead. I looked questioningly at Jemma and it looked like she was confused too.

"What is this place?" May asked aloud.

Suddenly the Eric look-a-like spoke up, " I call it the Playground. Although, technically, it doesn't have a name because technically it doesn't exist. It being a secret base and all."

[A/N: I would just like to say that all quotes that I use strictly belong the Agents of Shield and I am only using them for writing purposes]

"Eric?" Coulson asked. Finally someone asked. Eric stayed behind to make sure that all the information was either deleted or safely transported somewhere else. There was no way he could've made it here. Was there?

"Billy... Koenig. Agent of SHIELD," He held up what looked like a lanyard, "Although I totally understand the confusion. Eric passed away, sadly, but it's great to have company." Billy replied looking excited.

Coulson looked at him strangely, "Agent Coulson,"

Billy looked so excited to meet Coulson. I looked at Simmons. "What do you think is going to happen from now on?"

"I don't know, " she replied looking far off, "I don't know."

We turned our attention back to Billy as he said, "Agent Coulson I will give you your lanyard shortly. As for the rest of you, Lanyards will be handed out on a case-by-case basis." That was understandable, I didn't doubt anyone on the team but you can never be too cautious.

When we got inside Billy showed us our rooms. I got settled down in my room while Billy took May and Coulson to see Maria Hill and Director Fury.

"Wait May!" I shouted down the hallway, she turned her head and looked at me, "Come to the lab after you're done, Simmons and I need to give you a check up, make sure everything is all good." she nodded her head, gave me a grateful smile and turned around.

May's POV

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! And cruel, and very stupid!" I was trying my very best to hide the grin on my face, it was quite funny seeing Fury being reprimanded like this.

"I think you've made your point." Fury interjected calmly.

"Why bring me back in the first place?" Coulson asked. Wasn't that obvious? SHIELD is made from people like him, people who strive to protect no matter the cost. "Clearly I didn't think it was the best idea, and I warned you about people losing their minds. " he continued. I remembered that video that I showed him. Hill gave me the USB drive and we watched it while coming here.

Fury replied "Agent May was on top of the situation," I shuddered and the memory of Coulson yelling at me, questioning my loyalty. "She says you're fine," Coulson looked at me and I nodded in agreement. "Aren't you?" I looked at Coulson, Director Fury did not need to know about the writing.

"It was a 'break glass incase of emergency' situation." Fury finally answered.

"Yes, but that emergency was supposed to be the fall of an Avenger." Coulson argued back.

Coulson's POV

"Yes but that emergency was supposed to be the fall of an Avenger." I argued back. Fury wasn't making any sense. I'm not an Avenger.

"Exactly" Fury responded, looking at me as if saying I was. I looked at Mel and she nodded her head in agreement.

"Protection," Director Fury started speaking again, "one word. Sometimes, to protect one man against himself, other times to protect the planet against an alien invasion from another universe. But the belief that drives us all is the same, whether it's one man or all mankind.."

"That they're worth saving." I finished.

"Guys like you were the heart of SHIELD," I looked at Fury, " and now you'll be the head." He took out a small black cube from his pocket and I looked at him in shock.

I took the cube from him, "What is it?"

"A toolbox to help you build it back up." he answered.

"You want me to start over, rebuild SHIELD." I was shocked that he would trust me with this.

"Take your time and do it right," I nodded affirmatively.

Fury then turned to Mel, "You'll still have his back?"

"Of course." she replied. I smiled at her.

"Thank you sir. How- how should I proceed?" What would I start with, how would I start?

"That's up to you... Director." He shook my hand and walked to the door, "One last thing, please tell me you and Agent May have hooked up already. Years and years of seeing you guys deny it has been killing me?"

I looked at May and smiled, "Don't worry Sir, we have."

"About damn time." he said as he walked out the door.

A/N: Hey guys I am so sorry for the huge very long delay. There's just been a lot going on in my life now (family stuff). I'm hoping to update more but I won't make any promises. As I said earlier in the story anything that I use from Agents of Shield for example, characters and quotes those all belong to Marvel and Agent's of Shield. Thank you for all the votes. Love y'all. Bye

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