Chapter 4

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May's POV

I blinked open my eyes and groaned.

"Mama!" Skye leaped and hugged her. I was surprised but I slowly hugged back. Wait, I paused... I could feel her!

"Mama?" I questioned Skye. She smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, it's just that you've become like a mother to me and..." before she finished I interrupted. I found it cute.

"It's fine I like it," Skye beamed and hugged me again. I just laughed.

Coulson's POV

I watched my two girls from a distance. I needed to apologise to May, but I waited for Skye to come out. I didn't want to ruin their moment.

Skye came out shortly after, "Go get her AC," this time when she looked at me she was smiling and not crying.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she just smirked at me.

I entered the med bay. May was lying down reading a book. "Hi," I said softly, "How are you?".

"Better." She replied.

"I'm sorry." There I said it.

"Why should you be?" I was surprised by her response, "I betrayed you and withheld secrets that you had every right to know of."

"No, your were just watching my back, like you always do," she looked up and smiled at me. I felt relieved, at least she had forgiven me. Though, why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

"I..." she paused, "I didn't want to burden you, nor make you feel guilty,".

"You know that wouldn't be true," she glared at me, "Okay maybe a little. I'm just glad to have you back."

"Me too."

I bent down to hug her, and I buried my face in her neck. "I missed you," I mumbled into her neck. She started to stroke my hair.

I suddenly had the urge to kiss her. No Phil, not the right time. I pulled away and just looked into her eyes. I wasn't even thinking till I realised that I had leaned in close enough to kiss her. I couldn't stop myself and attached my lips to hers.

I'm sorry this chapter is really short. I wanted to leave it off at a good note. Hope you liked it!

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