Chapter 7

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Coulson's POV

I laid my head on the pillow, I couldn't sleep. I went down to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I was in the kitchen waiting for the coffee machine to finish. I heard sniffling, was that May? I quietly tiptoed to her room.

I pressed my ear to the door, "Coulson, please. Don't leave me." What ? I was right here. I entered the room. May was curled up in a ball on the bed she was whimpering.

I tried to wake her up, "Mel. Mel, I'm right here. I'll never leave you against please wake up." her body stopped shaking. I think she realized I was here. She latched herself herself on to me and hugged me tighter. Once she was calm and settled I tried to get up. I didn't want to explain how I ended up in her bed. I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Stay," she whispered. I looked at her surprised and she just held on to me tighter. I cuddled closer to her and put my hand around her waist and kissed her hair.

I whispered, "Night Mel," and then I closed my eyes.

May's POV

I hugged my really warm pillow. Wait... why was it moving up and down. I slowly opened my eyes to see Coulson sleeping right beside me. What is he doing here? He looked so adorable. I noticed he was starting to wake up, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep again. I felt his hand playing with my hair.

Suddenly he spoke up, "You know I know you're awake right?" I opened my eyes, he laughed and I punched him on the chest lightly.

I checked the time, "Shoot! I'm late, I promised Skye I'd train with her. She's probably wondering where I am." I jumped out of bed only to be pulled back by Coulson.

I looked at him with a questioning glance, "You didn't give me my good morning kiss," He smirked. I playfully glared at him and gave him a light peck on the cheek.

"Uh, Uh, Uh. I want one right here," he added pointing to his lips. I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the lips.

"You happy now?" I asked removing his hands from my waist.

"Yep," I laughed and went into the bathroom.


When I got down to the gym Skye was already waiting for me. "Where were you?" She asked, ok knew this question was coming.

"Slept in," I stated, she would find out eventually.

"Is it with who I think it is?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes at her. I pinned her down on the mat.

She flipped me over, "You guys are good together. I'm for you, both." She have me a genuine smile then turned all bubbly, "And besides now Mama and Dad are together." I looked at her and shook my head. I got off of her and took a swig out of my water bottle.

[A/N From this point on I will be veering of from the original storyline]

Suddenly the intruder alarm went off, I looked at Skye. She ran out of the training room, I followed her. We smacked into Coulson, "What happening?"

"I don't know," he replied, "the more concerning thing is how they found this place."

I nodded in agreement, "Where are Fitz and Simmons?" He asked.

"Right here Sir." They appeared in front of us with company.

"Hill? What the hell are you doing here?" Maria Hill moved out from behind Fitz.

"This base is no longer a safe house for you anymore. A HYDRA Agent in the government leaked the location of this base. They're in their way," She stated, "Pack your things and load them onto the Bus, I have a quintet waiting for me. We'll meet at the rendezvous, coordinates are already on the Bus."

Fitz spoke up, "Pardon, but where is the rendezvous?"

"Oh, it's you new base." She smirked and turned towards the exit.

A/N I am so sorry I got sick and then I hurt my arm and couldn't type. I plan to update everything Saturday, hopefully. Thanks for all the support, it is much appreciated!

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