Chapter 3

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Coulson's POV

I was furious what could May have said that would make Skye cry. I put my head to the table and called her to my office. A couple minutes later she appeared, her head was down but I saw a glimpse of her face. Damn, she was still beautiful... wait what was I thinking, she betrayed me.

Suddenly she spoke up, "Sir."

"What did you say to Skye, because I just found her crying alone in the hallway." I struggled to keep my tone calm.

I saw her stiffen, "I-I can't tell you," she was shaking now.

Now I was mad,"Why, is this another one of your secrets meant to protect one of us!" I spat.

May's POV

"Why, is this another one of your secrets meant to protect one of us!" I heard him yell. My hearing was failing too, luckily Simmons said that it would only decrease it and that I would not go deaf. Before I could respond my legs started feeling really tingly. Oh no they were going to go numb.

"No, no, no...". I couldn't feel the floor, I lifted my foot and tried to put it down. Nothing. Black dots started to appear in my vision. And then everything went black.

Coulson's POV

For some reason she tried to step forward but when she put her foot down she just collapsed.

"MAY!!" She was cold. Breathing but faintly.

I carried her down to the lab, "SIMMONS!"

When she saw what was happened to May she immediately put her on a bed. "No, why... this shouldn't have happens this early." Tears started to form in her eyes as she moved through the drawers and cabinets.

I was so confused, what did she mean by this early, "Jemma, breath. What isn't supposed to happen this early?"

She just looked at me and said, "Agent May is dying."

My mind went blank, "What?"

This is why Skye was crying, May must have told her. Simmons explained to me what happened. How did I not notice she was shot. "Can you fix her?" I somehow managed to get the words out.

This was why she refrained from touching things but I thought that it was just her being herself and why I couldn't hear her footsteps early in the morning doing Tai Chi. Damn it, I'm so stupid. I should've forgiven her, she was only watching my back. Like she always does... or did. I didn't notice the tears that started running down my face as I looked at her, so peaceful.

Then Jemma interrupted my thoughts, "I made an antibiotic but I'm not sure if it'll work, it could just speed up the reaction and kill her faster."

"Do it." I said with no hesitation.

"Sir, are you sure?"

"Yes, if there's even a slim chance that this could save her I'm taking it," She nodded and started hooking up the IV.

She called Fitz down here and I was requested to wait outside, to give them space. Oh god what would happen if it she died. I suddenly remembered all our times together, all our undercover missions. When she used to pull pranks on me. In our cooking class, where she almost burned the place down trying to cook frozen pizza. I chuckled at that.

After Bahrain.

When she was broken, even then she always watched my back, what was I going to do without her.

Oh no!!! She collapsed! Is she gonna die? Hope you liked this chapter. It's my personal favourite.

Numb: PhilindaWhere stories live. Discover now