I Miss You

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So I actually tried on this one, if you bash me I will cry so ols don't do it. Thx bye (it's kinda sad)

Damn. I'm in my room again. Alone, as always. It's been about 2 weeks since I last saw Maki, cause she had some sort of a stupid mission, in some stupid country, that isn't Japan, in some stupid town that isn't Tokyo...

They were supposed to be back a week ago. I can't get in touch with her and in all honestly I'm one step away from searching for her myself. But I have to stay level headed, because everyone seems to be on edge. I sighed and sat on my bed, hugging my knees and looking out the window of my room. I must've been deep in thought because I haven't heard Megumi walk in. "Hey Kugisaki, dinner's ready... Are you hungry?" He asked me, worry laced in his tone. I knew I was being a burden, but at times like these I couldn't really function because of worry. Since I didn't give him a proper answer, he came up to me and sat on the bed next to me.

There was a comfortable silence between us. Megumi and I knew each other pretty well so we didn't need many words to communicate. He was, in a way, my best friend. "I know you're dying inside because of the current situation, but you just have to believe that everything is alright. I mean, we're talking about the second years here. Nobara... Maki is one of the strongest sorcerers I know. You just have to  believe it yourself too." He said that and I knew that he was right." It's not that I think that she's weak, or incompetent, I'm just worried and I miss her... A lot. And if she doesn't come back to me... I don't know what I would do."

I felt my  voice crack this instant and a tear gently rolled down my cheek" I felt the bed shift again and Megumi stood up and hugged me for a few seconds. "I know, I know, it'll all be fine, just trust the process 'kay?" All I could do was nod. "I'll bring you some food, don't worry I'm in my room again. Alone, as always. It's been about 2 weeks since I last saw Maki, cause she had some sort of a stupid mission, in some stupid country, that isn't Japan, in some stupid town that isn't Tokyo... They were supposed to be back a week ago. I can't get in touch with her and in all honestly I'm one step away from searching for her myself. But I have to stay level headed, because everyone seems to be on edge. 8 sighed and sat on my bed, hugging my knees and looking out the window of my room. I must've been deep in thought because I haven't heard Megumi walk in. "Hey Kugisaki, dinner's ready... Are you hungry?" He asked me, worry laced in his tone. I knew I was being a burden, but at times like these I couldn't really function because of worry. Since I didn't give him a proper answer, he came up to me and sat in the bed next to me. There was a comfortable silence between us. Megumi and I knew each other pretty well so we didn't need many words to communicate. He was, in a way, my best friend. "I know you're dying inside because of the current situation, but you just have to believe that everything is alright. I mean, we're talking about the second years. Nobara, your girlfriend is one of the strongest sorcerers I know. You just have to  believe it yourself too." He said and I knew that he  was right." It's not that I think that she's weak, or incompetent, I'm just worried and I miss her... A lot. And if she doesn't come back to me, I don't know what I would do." I felt my  voice crack this instant and a tear gently rolled down my cheek" I felt the bed shift again and Megumi stood up and hugged me for a few seconds. "I know, I know, it'll all be fine, just trust the process 'kay?" All I could do was nod. "I'll bring you some food, don't worry about it." He got up and left.


Alone again. Honestly I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit, I just want them back again. I want her back. Ever since they left its been so quiet and boring. Gojo had some business to do as he always does, so we couldn't bother him at the moment, fucking rat. Itadori was set in going after them but Fushigurou never let him leave. I spent most of the time in my- Makis room.

I felt so hopeless. I didn't know if they would be back, I didn't know if I would ever hear their goofy annoying voices ever again. It was pure agony.

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