coffee break

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Honestly, what the fuck even is Math. What fucking genius thought that finding x should be our biggest priority as teenagers?

I have been studying math equasions for a while now. This meaning five hours and 43 minutes exactly. I need a break.

I got up and stretched my poor back that was slowly starting to resemble a question mark. I'll have to see a fucking chiropractor after this. After popping (this ass) my joints back into place, I went over to grab my keys. I got in my car and just mindlessly started driving. As I was passing by nameless faces and empty looking buildings, I realised that nothing truly mattered in this world. It was a depressing way of thinking, but think about it like this.

In someone elses point of view, you're also just a nameless face, who has literally nothing to do with their own lives. You're just a spot in this universe that will eventually, undoubtedly, fade from this universe and will eventually be forgotten. It made me realise that my worries aren't all that troublesome afterall. It actually made me feel better.

I turned my music up and just relaxed against my cushioned seat. I started thinking about my accomplishments in the past year, like literally getting represented in an art gallery, or getting into my desired school after years of hard work (or uploading this damn book again) and just thought to myself.

'Damn, Maki... What more could you wish for huh? You have a perfect life, there's no reason for you to be so depressed' I constantly racked my bvrain for answers,but I smply couldn't find any.

Deep down, I already knew the answer to this question. i just didn't want to say it out loud, because it would be hella embarassing to accept the truth.

I'm hella lonely.


I said it.

I've been single since, oh I don't know, FOREVER.

I knew this wouldn't solve my mental health problems, but wouldn't it though?

I kind of expected that it would start bothering me someday, but holy shit dude. My standards are too high. I'm so judgemental that if I said any of the things that went up in my head through my brain, I'd have no friends. I'd have to fight a bitch off every minute for the rest of my life. I don't really want that for myself, even though it is fun to purpousefully start trouble just for the shits and giggles. I'm getting off topic again.



Damn, I missed the entrance.

Fuck me, I have to find somewhere else to drink my coffee today I guess.

After driving around for a while, I saw a nice, cozy looking Café, not too far away from my usual daily coffee-overdose place. I parked a block away and started walking towards the coffee shop.

As I was walking towards the interesting looking place, I heard a number of rapid steps behind me.


God damn,

I tumbled to the ground, still in shock from the sudden impact.

"It's really not my day today,huh?" I said without even thinking.

"Oh, damn. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll be careful next time" The feminine sounding voice said.

I finally looked up and felt my standards vanish into thin air.

The girl sat in front of me and looked at me with worry-filled eyes. Her short brown hair barely touched her shoulders. Chestnut brown eyes and the anxious lip bite met golden brown and an ironic smirk.

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