Books Are Boring

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This was requested by @Raythegray15

Enjoy :)


"Maki, I need you to restack these in the horror isle!" I heard my manager yell from across the library.

"Be there in a minute!" I sigh and put an old reciept between the pages before closing my book and getting up to help her.

I take the stacked books from her hands and head to the horror section.

"And remember, alphabetical order!" I hear her yell again.

"I know, I know..." I trail off with a fake a smile and turn around, not forgetting rolling my eyes at nothing in particular.

"I've been working here since freshman year and she still treats me like a newbie." I mumble to myself and pick up my pace.

"Well, maybe if you lost the 'tude, she wouldn't think you're that incompetent." I heard someone say behind me.

I quickly turn around and find that girl that has been coming here constantly for a couple of weeks now.

She was sitting in a chair, head down, clearly focused on her book. She spoke without even looking up at me, but the smirk was evident in her tone.

"I don't remember asking for your input..." I trailed off and started to walk away, just wanting to get this damn stack of books off my back.

I could hear her stand up with a huff and follow after me.

I starting stacking the books on the shelves, when I see her out of the corner of my eye walking to the opposite side of the shelf.

I try ignoring her and keep stacking the books, but everytime I put a book in its place, she'd take one out from the other side. It started bothering the living shit out of me, so I stopped for a moment and glared at her.

"What are you doing?" I quizzed with a quirk in my browline.

"Just... Browsing..." She trailed off, but looked directly into my eyes with a ghost of a smirk painted on the corner of her lips.

"Well, when you're done with your 'browsing'" I said accenting the last word with air quotations, "put the damn books back, I don't wanna deal with that today." I look back at the task at hand.

"Awe, boohoo, where did your 'I like my job' attitude go, did you leave it in your other pants?" She kept up the condescending attitude and I could literally hear the smirk on her stupid face.

I look at her over the rim of my glasses and huff. She chuckled lightly before leaving. I thought she left me alone, before she reappeared again, only this time on my side of the bookshelf. I don't really get her deal. I don't even know this girl and she just decides to pester me like this. What kind of person does that?

"So, what's your deal? Are you one of those 'don't talk to me, I'm emo' kids or what?" She took some books out of my hands and started stacking them upside down. She's literally a walking menace to society.

I shoot her a confused look, but still answer nontheless.

"No, I don't know you, why would I talk to you?" I keep my gaze at the shelf ahead of me.

"I'm Nobara... Now you know me. So..." She trails off, puts 'her' stack of books on one shelf and extends her hand toward me.

I sigh, shake her hand and point to my nametag.

"Not only are you annoying, but you also can't read. Explains the upside down books." I glance at her disaster before looking back and just smirk at her.

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