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It was around 4:00pm when the adoption festival closed. All the dogs were adopted and all the guests had left. "He still hasn't been adopted," I heard a volunteer sigh. "I would take him in, but I have a house full of cats. You can thank my mom for that."

"Who hasn't been adopted?" I asked. The girl turned around, her eyes widening at the sight of me.

"You're Sasha Clearwater! Hi, I'm Patricia," the volunteer shook my hand.

"It's nice to meet you, but I thought all the dogs were adopted," I looked at Patricia and a blonde confusedly.

"All the dogs except for Bubba have been adopted," the blonde told me. "I'm Stacy by the way."

"Nice to meet you Stacy," I nodded, trying to be polite, but really wanting to see the dog that hadn't been adopted. "Can I see Bubba?" Stacy nodded, going to the back where the other dogs were kept. Yes, all the dogs at the festival were adopted, but that was only a quarter of the shelter. It's quite a large facility.

Stacy came out with a gray and white pit bull puppy. "This is Bubba. He's a gray and white pit bull puppy," Stacy told me.

"Aww, he's adorable," I cooed as I pet behind his ears. "Why doesn't anyone want him?"

"It's because he's a pit bull. Rumors go around about how aggressive pit bulls are. Pit bulls only become aggressive if they're taught to," Patricia explained.

"Hey Sasha!" I heard Liv call. "We've gotta go. I'm taking you home right?"

"Uh yeah. Hold on a sec," I told her. She nodded, heading back into the car. She had already put my board in it so I wouldn't leave it here. "I'll adopt him," I decided.

"What?" both girls asked, surprised.

"I'll adopt him. I love dogs, preferably pit bulls, and I don't want him to be the only one unadopted from the festival," I repeated.

"Um, ok, sure," Patricia nodded. "Just sign here and pay here." I situated the adoption process rather quickly. I bought all of Bubba's needs, which filled up 6 bags before scooping Bubba up, walking to the Holt's car. I opened the door to see Mrs. Holt, who I met 2 weeks ago, and Cade, who I also met 2 weeks ago.

"You got a puppy?!" Liv exclaimed before cooing to him as I set down all of Bubba's stuff.

"Yeah. His name is Bubba and he was the only one who wasn't adopted at the festival," I explained as Mrs. Holt pulled away from the shelter. She's taken me home before, so she knows where I live.

"How come?" Liv asked, petting Bubba's head.

"Because he's a pit bull," I answered.

"So?" Cade asked, speaking for the first time since I entered the car.

"There are rumors that all pit bulls are aggressive," I replied. "But one of the volunteers told me they're only aggressive when they're taught to be." The rest of the car ride was pretty talkative, mainly about Bubba. We pulled up to my house around 4:45. Lucky for me, neither Nicole, my mom, or Aunt Cherry were home. Unluckily for me, I didn't quite think through the whole 'being left alone and now I have a puppy I'm not supposed to' thing.

I thanked Mrs. Holt, said goodbye to the Holt siblings, then walked into my house with all of Bubba's things. How I did that you may ask? With great difficulty.


I was texting Liv, like I always do, when my mother came barging into my room. "How dare you leave the house! How dare you adopt a puppy!" she screeched. My eyes widened.

"How'd you know I left?" I asked.

"Because Patricia was gushing about you to me, Aunt Cherry, and her mom about 'how sweet' it was of you to adopt a dog named Bubba! Return him! Now!" my mother ordered.

"No! He's mine and I plan to keep him!" I yelled back.

"Fine. Have it your way then. You can say goodbye to this!" She grabbed my phone from my hand, throwing it out the window. Since my room's on the second floor, I know for sure it's probably cracked. My mom huffed, walking out of room, slamming the door shut. Bubba slept through the whole interaction much to my surprise and pleasure.

I opened my window, stepping onto the tree I have outside of it. I climbed down to retrieve my phone. Miraculously, it hadn't cracked and everything was still intact. I climbed back into my room, continuing to text with Liv. As I was texting her about my, now known, crush on Leo, I received a text from him.


What if she doesn't like me, though? We've created a great friendship and I don't wanna ruin it.


Shit, wrong person. Sorry.


I felt jealousy bubble in me at the thought of Leo having his eyes on some other girl. I reminded myself that he isn't my boyfriend, so he can like who he wants to like.


I just find it funny, that's all.

Liv! Leo just accidentally texted me about a girl😭

What'd he say?

He said 'what if she doesn't like me though? We've created a great friendship and I don't wanna ruin it'

Sasha, I love you, but sometimes you can be really stupid

He's probably talking about you

And what makes you think that?

Think about it. You and him just became great friends and whenever Marc has to call cut it's mainly because Leo's looking at you

Seriously? I doubt it

Suit yourself


I sighed. Maybe he was talking about me. Then again, he's got all the girls dancing at his feet. It wouldn't matter who it was because he'd be able to get them. I just wish it was me.


This one is a little shorter, but I ran out of things to write about without making the chapter run too long.

Envious // Leo HowardWhere stories live. Discover now