Chapter 1: Return

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Wind tugged at Falconblaze's whiskers. His ruddy brown tabby pelt was thick and groomed, his deep blue eyes shining. Ahead of him lay a wide moorland, and just beyond there was a dense forest.

Late Leaf-fall sunshine drifted down through the bare branches of the trees around him. Seasons ago, he had been in the same position, but on the other side of the abandoned field. At that time golden corn had waved in a warm breeze and Green-leaf sun. Now the corn was gone and the grass had grown up into a springy moorland where several rabbits boucned about looking for food.

Falconblaze stretched, giving his black chest a quick lick. He looked up at the golden sky, deciding it was time to find a place to sleep for the night.

He hadn't always lived alone like this, once he and his sister Mistyflight had been wandering around as lost kits until Dreamstar of NightClan took them in as apprentices. Falconblaze had become a warrior, and Mistyflight had found herself a mate; Brackenclaw. Right before he left Mistyflight had insisted he came back in 6 moons and brought one of them with him. 5 1/2 moon have passed since then, and now Falconblaze was once again on his way to NightClan territory.

I wonder how everybody are. Has Mistyflight changed her mind? Has Brackenclaw been injured? And Redpaw! He must have become a warrior. I just wished it was me who had mentored him all the way.

Falconblaze thought of NightClan as he drifted off to sleep, eager to be on his way. But one scary thought was still nagging him as blackness swarmed around his head.

Will they be happy to see me?


Sunshine woke Falconblaze. He blinked open his eyes, and looked around. The sun had climbed half-ways up into the sky, and he got up an shook is pelt. Giving himself a quick groom, he studied his pelt. The ruddy brown base color with the black tabby markings, the black chest and neck, the paler fur at his legs and tail...

I wonder what the kits will look like! he thinks to himself. He stretches all four legs, unsheathing his claws. They had become long and sharp, longer than before. He purred with slight satisfaction. He was a dangerous warrior, now he could move through any Clan territory without being worried!

His eyes darkened as he came to think of DarkClan, and a growl rumbled in his throat at the thought of Shadowstar; DarkClan's leader. The big black tom with the piercing blue eyes had always terrorized him and Mistyflight when they were just kits with their mother; Falcon and Misty.

Once Shadowstar had caught them alone, and slashed at Falconblaze's ear. Somehow the wound had healed completely, leaving no scar or nick. As he came to think of it, he didn't have any scars! His fur was sleek, thick and groomed. He had always been prud of his pelt, the unusual markings and the spotless colours. In a way, he was glad he didn't have any scars to ruin it. But he also longed for a scar or two, just to show he was a fierce fighter.

Shaking his head to get rid of all the thoughts swarming inside, he stood up and padded back to the hill where he had sat the evening before. Nothing much had changed; the grass was waving in a chilly wind, and the rabbits were fewer as the sun had yet to warm them up and stirr them. The forest behind lay still and unchanging.

Falconblaze was glad he knew the forest well enough to find his way into camp alone. When I start my travels fully, I will learn every territory I come across! That way I will always have the same advantage as the Clans. he thinks boldly.

Slowly he made his way down the hill and onto the moors. The grass was tough and cold with frost, making his pads prick and tickle. The frozen ground was uneven and made him stumble a couple of times, but he gritted his teeth and kept going. He was determined to get back to NightClan by sunset.

Half ways over the moor he felt the ground flatten and he could see small bushes here and there that were to small to be seen from a distance. That was when he realized the hunger clawing at his belly. Quickly he scented the air for one of the rabbits that were scattered around. He spotted a young rabbit behind one of the bushes, nibbling at some stiil-green-grass.

He slid into a hunters crouch and stepped forwards. The grass was soft, but crackling with frost, and it was hard to put a paw down without it making too much sound. But as the skilled hunter he was, he refused to give up. And sure enough, he soon managed to catch the rabbit. He chased it for a fox-length before leaping and killing it.

He ate it quickly, devouring the whole beast. Not having shortage of prey every Leafbare had given him an enormous appetite, and he could easily eat a whole rabbit by himself. After his meal he got up and checked the sun. A little past sunhigh. Satisfied he padded on.


The sun was almost dipping behind the horizon by the time Falconblaze arrived at the forest edge. He must have misjudged the distance, but he still had time to find the camp before dark. He slipps into the bushes and vainishes into the shadows. Familiar scents of prey, marked borders, and cats blended together more and more as he closed in on the camp. He thought he had heard a late hunting patrol a while ago, but he was not interested in investigating. He wanted to arrive at camp before dark.

Already the shadows were lengthening and the forest had started to glow with an orange light, but he knew from experiance that he still had plenty of time. Perking his ears he could finally hear the faint sounds of cats talking. The faint sound of mewling kits came as he walked closer.

Is that Mistyflight and the kits? he thinks hopefully. But he knows it can't be. Falconkit, Hawkkit and Ravenkit would be almost apprentices now. At last he came to a halt at the rise above camp. Gazing down into the camp, he let his shadow cast across the cats below him. Several raised the heads and scented the air, their eyes glittering with recognision. But clearest of all was a sweet voice he had known since he was born.


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