Chapter 16: The Dreams of a Wolf

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Falconblaze peered cautiously around the bush before creeping to the next one. Hawkpaw followed close behind, tail fluffed up and muscles braced for a sudden leap. A bird singing above startled both cats and they darted into the closest bush.

"This is ridiculous!" Falconblaze spat irritbaly, pushing a branch away from his face. Hawkpaw looked at the ground and nodded, but the tension radiating from the young apprentice told his mentor that he was still shaking from their encounter with the wolves.

Falconblaze made his way out into the sun again, but this time he had his mind set on not being so skittish. Hawkpaw followed more slowly and Falconblaze sighed inwardly.

This might take some time... He shook his head and bounded away to the small pond they were heading to.


Bounding over the last rock, Falconblaze startled a doe drinking from the fresh water. He leaped back in surprise, causing Hawkpaw to panic.

"What?! Is it the wolves again?" he spun aroun, poised to flee back to the nests. Falconblaze huffed and shook his head.

"No, no. It was just a deer in my way." he explained. Hawkpaw sighs with relief and pads over to the calm water. He dabs a paw at it, wathcing the ripples spread out and eventually fade. Suddenly movement caught Falconblaze's eyes and he shot out his paws with lightining speed. Hawkpaw quickly ducks to avoid the splash of water, whilst Falconblaze proudly drags out a small fish.

"Nice catch, but could you have done it with a little less spalshing?" Hawkpaw twitched his dripping whiskers. Falconblaze just grinned and shrugged before eating his catch. Hawkpaw gazed at him for a little while then crouched down by the water to try himself. After several failed attempts he stood up and marched away to hunt for something else.

Falconblaze chuckled, the wolves forgotten for now. Now he and Hawkpaw were just two cats relaxing in a wonderful place where danger and enemies are forgotten.



Spiritus and his Beta watcher, Chasta, had searched the whole day for the two cats, but without luck. He growled with frustration as all his node picked up were stale trails of small rodents and a larger Deer track. Behind him Chasta sniffed a clump of grass, but without a lot of interest. The older male seemed impatient, just eager to get back to the others. But as a lower ranked wolf, Spiritus had no right to argue. Instead he just sighed and kept looking while searching his mind for a plan to catch them.

Spiritus lifted his black head and stared out across the meadows. His long muzzle had a couple of small scars, leading up to the mark across his eyes. He had always been a strong one, and everybody expected him to reach far in the packs as long as he didn't keep running off on solo missions. He closed his eyes and drew in a long breath, taking in all the fresh scents of grass and wind.

He had always been curious about what life was like out there, alone in the wild. He had heard from other wolves that some cats lived in big packs like his. So why didn't these two? Had they too wanted to seek out life alone? He breathes out slowly. Suddenly he wasn't so interested in taking down the cats. Why should he? In fact, he admired their courage to run away from everything they had and follow their dreams. He wished he could too, but he was too young and inexperianced. Anyways, he had a future in the pack when he grew up! He could become anything he wanted; a great hunter, a fighter, maybe even pack leader sometime.

Chasta nudges him from behind. He glances back and Chasta tells him they should get back. Reluctant to leave his moment of peace and reflection he slowly turns back. After a last longing look he follows the other wolf.

Spiritus liked Chasta. He was fun and helpful, as well as a great mentor for the younger pups and Omegas. Chasta was also kind to him and Ember, even after their punishment for running away several days earlier. However, the black Beta was oblivious to all the fun he spread. It is just who he is, happy and friendly by nature. As they walked back to the camp, laughing and playing, Spiritus thought about what a good friend he and Ember were. Oh, and Saphira!

Saphira was another Omega, with a beautiful silvery coat. She was wild and stubborn, but Spiritus liked her. They often played together, even though Saphira had a tendancy to win all of the wrestling matches.

Reaching the camp Chasta headed over to the other Betas, calmly chatting under the shafow of a bush. Spiritus stood still for a moment, then trotted over to the place where the Omegas were playing with the pups. The memory of the moment in the Meadows was still fresh in his mind, but he pushed it away for now. Ember bounced up to him and nudged him forwards playfully. Saphira and Mist glanced up at them and smiled.

For now, he was just an ordinary wolf with big dreams. For now.



Hey guys! Sorry this chapter took FOREVER and is kinda short, but I haven't had much time :P Oh, and give me a vote if you want another book with Spiritus! :D This book is coming to and end soon, but I already have another one planned after that.


If you have grown very connected to Mistyflight and the rest of NightClan, read my next book with care...

That's all! Hope you are all enjoying this so far ;) Leave a comment down below for anything you would like to read ;) Oh, and the wolf on the picture is Spiritus :D No, I did not make it :P

Falconblaze's Path (2): The New ApprenticeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora