Chapter 11: In The Twolegplace

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"Can you hear any monsters coming?" Hawkpaw asked nervously.

Falconblaze and Hawkpaw were crouching about a tail length from a thunderpath in the center of the twolegplace. Falconblaze had felt relieved at first when he realized it was a small area, with not too many twolegs. There were no weird nests that twolegs would walk in empty-pawed and then come out with twoleg food or new pelts in scary plastic things. here were however, VERY many nests and thunderpaths.

Falconblaze perked his ears, listening for the unnatural roars of monsters.

"I think there is one coming, so we'll wait for that one." he said. Hawkpaw nodded and tensed as a small blue moster hurtled past. Falconblaze hissed with annoyance as small pebbles were sprayed over him, smacking his muzzle and paws.

"When I say 'now' we run, OK?" he waited for Hawkpaw's terse nod, then listened again. Silence. "NOW!" he yowled, throwing himself onto the thunderpeth and sprinting for the safety of the other side. They both made it over, panting and shaking. They jumped as a voice sounded behind them.

"What was all that about?"

The two toms spun around to face the cat. It was young, giner-and-white kittypet with clear blue eyes. It was sitting on a stone fence, looking down at them curiously.

"I mean, there were no cars coming and still you ran like ol' Buster was behind you snappin' at yo' tails!" the kittypet went on. Falconblaze and Hawkpaw just stared up at him. The kittypet leaped down from the fence in front of them.

"I'm Harvey." he mewed. Falconblaze finally found his voice again.

"Um, I'm Falconblaze and this is Hawkpaw." he meowed, dipping his head. Harvey twitched his whiskers.

"I suppose that are names too, eh? I once knew a cat; his houesfolks actually called him Pewdie! I mean, come on! That's no name for a cat." Harvey sat down and started to groom his face. "So, where do your housefolks live?" he asked.

"Oh, we don't live with twolegs! We live alone." Hawkpaw meowed. Falconblaze shot him a sharp look, but said nothing.

Harvey looked up. "Really? Then who feeds you?" he asked. Falconblaze and Hawkpaw twisted slightly, so Harvey could see all the prey they had gathered. The young kittypet's eyes widened.

"Where did you get all that? You... You didn't catch it yourself did you?" he looked from the prey to the cats to the prey again. Falconblaze smiled.

"So we did." he meowed.

"Wow..." Harvey sighed with aw.

"Um, Harvey?" Falconblaze asked.

"Huh?" He tore his gaze away from the prey. "Yes?"

"Could you maybe show us the shortest way out of here?" He asked. Harvey seemed to jerk back into reality.

"What? Yes, of course! Um, now?"

"Now is fine." Falconblaze nods, twitching his whiskers, sensing Hawkpaw behind him trying to keep himself from laughing.

"Ok, this way." Harvey starts to pad along the thunderpath. He led them into a garden as Falconblaze and Hawkpaw froze everythime a moster shot past them. "So, where are you going now?" he called back over his shoulder.

"Well, after Leafbare we thought we might head for the mountains." Falconblaze replied, speeding up so he can walk beside their guide. They leap up onto a fence and down on the other side.

"The mountains? That's far away." Harvey comments. Falconblaze nods.

"What's that?" Hawkpaw asks, pointing with his tabby tail to a stick hanging from a tree by two thin vines.

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