Chapter 5: The Aftermath

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A bird woke Falconblaze. He recognized the call of a black bird as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He tried to stand up, and winced at the pain in his neck. Glancing around he saw Mistyflight still asleep. Hawkpaw's scent was still strong, so Falconblaze figured he had gone out too.

Quietly, so he didn't wake Mistyflight, he crept out of the Medicine Cave. He could barely believe what he saw when he got out inot the clearing. The strongest warriors were placing their dead Clanmates into the center of camp, one beside the other. Falconblaze had never seen so many injured and dead cats! He watched horror struck until the last warrior was laid to rest.

First was the elders, Volewhisker and Darksun. Falconblaze remembered when he was an apprentice, getting prey and fresh moss for them. Darksun had always been cheery and amusing. Volewhisker had been the cranky one, but nobody could deny his dedication to NightClan.

Next to them was Emberheart's kit Stonepaw. Quickly looking for the flame-coloured she-cat he found her lying next to her mate Jetstream, grief-stricken. She didn't seem to notice her own wounds, just the pain of loosing a kit.

Nighthawk was placed next to Stonepaw. Brownpool and Moonrise and Rippledstream were grieving next to their lost littermate. They had groomed Nighthawk's jet black fur, and closed his brilliant green eyes for good. Luckily they didn't seem to be badly injured.

Frostgaze was next. Dapplefur had been her best friend, but she was nowhere to be seen. Falconblaze remembered scenting her in the Medicine Cave, a strong tang of blood along with her. He wished for the dappled she-cat to get better and live alongside her Clanmates again.

Adderfang had been lost in the battle too. Falconblaze recalled that the dark brown calico had battled with Shadowstar's son Shadowsoul, but was killed when Shadowsoul bit his throat. Fury soared through him as he thought back to the unfair battle. He unsheathed his claws, longing to rake them across the black leader's throat. Jerking back to reality he checked on the injuries.

Swiftclaw had a deep gash on his shoulder, but the fast tom seemed to have been able to avoid any harsher injuries. Redmist had several scratches and a wrenched shoulder. Magpiewing and Swallowmist had torn fur on their backs and flanks, Coalpaw had a large jaggedscar across his back. From where he lay unnable to move Falconblaze had first thought he was dead. But he now saw that Coalpaw still twitched and paw or a tail noe and again.

Falconpaw and Ravenpaw had protected the nursery with Honeytail, and to Falconblaze's relief they had survived any mortal or permanent injuries. Ravenpaw had a scar above her eye and a torn claw, whilst Falconpaw limped on a twisted paw.

Dreamstar had lost a life, and Falconblaze knew she now had 5 left. Suddenly he realized Ironclaw was missing, and fresh grief struck him as he noticed the deputy's dark tail hanging limply. It was all he could see from where Ironclaw lay hidden in the bushes.

Windchaser and Brackenclaw noticed it too, and slowly padded forward to carry their deputy out into the clearing alongside the others. Falconblaze was relieved that Brackenclaw had gotten through safely too.

Quickly he padded over to where oalpaw lay. The young dark gray tom looked up at him with despair in his blue eyes.

"Help me." he whisper hoarsly. Falconblaze nods sadly and looks around for Goldenheart. The Medicine Cat was weaving through her Clanmates, putting poultices on their wounds. Calling out to her, she looked up before finishing with Ravenpaw and hurrying over.

"What's wrong?" she asks, crouching down beside Coalpaw and running her paw across his back. Coalpaw gasped with pain.

"I-I don't know. I can't move." the apprentice tells her quietly. All hope had drained from his eyes by now, and it was clear he had given up. He growled as new pain spread from his back and into the tips of his paws.

"His back is dislocated." Goldenheart mewes sadly. "Luckily the nerves seem fine. If we can snap the bones back into place, he might be able to walk again." she looks at Falconblaze. "But it will be hard." she warned.

"You managed to save me." Falconblaze points out. oldenheart nods and turns pack to her patient.

"This will hurt." She tells him. oalpaw nods and takes a deep, brave breath.

"I'm ready." he croaks. Emberheart, Jetstream, Firepaw and Mistpaw pad over to comfort their kin. He smiles bravely at them, but he still didn't look hopeful.

He is afraid to hope, in case it won't work. Falconblaze realizes. Goldenheart raises her front paws, balancing on her hind paw for a moment, then slams them down on Coalpaw's back. A sharp crack sounds and Coalpaw screeches with pain. After several heartbeats he is calm enough to try to gingerly move. He tests all his paws before slowly trying to stand. His legs are shaking with the effort, but he stands nonetheless. His blue eys fill with pride.

Emberheart, Jetstream and their remaining kits look overjoyed for Coalpaw. The anguish that had shown was replaced with joy. They all nuzzle Coalpaw gently purring loudly. Falconblaze smiles too, and walks away to wake Mistyflight.

His sister was just padding out of the den when he got across the clearing. Her eyes filled with grief and horror too as she saw all her injured friends. Falconblaze sits down beside her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

"Ravenpaw, Falconpaw and Barckenclaw are fine." he meowes. Mistyflight nods, relieved. "Who have we lost?" she asks, closing her eyes. Falconblaze sighs loudly.

"Stonepaw, Nighthawk, Frostgaze, Adderfang, Volewhisker, Darksun and Ironclaw." he mewes gravely. Mistyflight nods, to horrified to say anything. All around them the remaining Clan cats sit around their dead friends, grieving and sitting vigil. As the sun disappeared and the moon started to rise Dreamstar leaped up onto the Moonrock.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Moonrock for a Clan meeting!" she yowled. Falconblaze noticed how she had changed the summons from 'fight of their enemies' to 'catch their own prey'.

As soon as the Clan had gathered Dreamstar continued speaking.

"We have lost many brave cats today. Tonight we will keep vigil, and the senior warriors will bury them in the morning. But according to the ancient traditions a new deputy must be appointed before moonhigh!" she paused, looking down to her Clan. Then she took a deep breath and gazed up at the stars.

"I say these words before out warrior ancestors, so they may hear and approve my choice." a pause.
"Brackenclaw will be the new deputy of NightClan."

Brackenclaw looked up with a jolt from where he was sitting. His golden eyes were filled with determination and grief.

"I will do my best to serve NightClan well." He promised, dipping his head. Slowly the Clan started to cheer Brackenclaw's name.

"Brackenclaw! Brackenclaw! Brackenclaw!"

Mistyflight and Falconblaze cheered with the rest of the Clan, Falconpaw, Ravenpaw and awkpaw calling their fathers name loudly. As the cheering died away the cats gathered around to congratulate, but they soon broke away again to sit by the fallen warriors.

Falconblaze and Mistyflight joined them. They settled in the center of the clearing and gazed up at the stars. Soon Brackenclaw and the kits joined them.

Are you ther Raven, watching? Are you welcoming the NightClan cats to StarClan, where they will hunt forever in peace? If you are, please send me a sign to know you can hear me! he pleads silently. After a few heartbeats a star blazes across the sky and fades.

A shooting star. Thank you. With his mind calmer he lays his head on his paws and closes them. He doesn't sleep though. Instead he sends his thoughts out to Stonepaw and the others, praying to them for a safe journey up into the sky. He recalls specific memories with all of them, letting their familiar faces drift around in his mind.

One day we will meet again, and then peace will finally settle over the Clan.

Falconblaze's Path (2): The New ApprenticeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon