Chapter 17: Shock and Distress

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Falconblaze raced through the tall grass, eyes wide with terror. In the distance he could still hear Hawkpaw's fearful yowls.

"Falconblaze! Falconblaze!!"

He pushed on faster, tearing up clumps of grass as he ran.

"Hawkpaw! where are you?" he called. Hawkpaw didn't reply, but Falconblaze could still track him down by the apprentice's calls. Trees and bushes swept past him in a blur. The quacks of ducks were only heard once before disappearing behind him again.

Please let him be OK!

Falconblaze prayed silently. As he rapidly came closer the situation became more clear. At first he only saw Hawkpaw dangling from his forepaws over a small cliff that ended in a pond below. At least Hawkpaw would survive even he fell. But as he came even closer he saw the gray fur of an adult wolf closing in on the pale brown tabby.

Falconblaze ran faster again. He burst through a bush and ran towards the large creature. Luckily it hadn't detected him yet and was still focused on Hawkpaw. It wasn't before Falconblaze leaped onto its back that it reacted. It snarled with surprise and fury, twisting around to snap at the strange cat who had sunk its claws into his back.

"Hawkpaw! Get up and run!" Falconblaze called. He felt his claws slipping, so he used his teeth to hold on tighter and fasten his grip. Suddenly the world went dark for a moment and he couldn't breath. Instinctively he let go, feeling sunlight and air rushing back into his lungs. He stood up with shakinglegs and looked around for Hawkpaw. He was relieved when he saw the young cat finally making it up onto safe ground and run for cover in a tree.

He screeched in pain as sharp teeth fastened in his back. He shook violently but couldn't get loose. He lashed with his paws, snapped with his teeth and lashed his tail without success. As he grew more and more tired he started giving up and focused on getting his strength back. He barely noticed that as he grew more quiet the wolf thought he was dying and therefore started to trot towards its home.

Behind them Hawkpaw wailed and called for him, but Falconblaze was afraid that if he replied the wolf would indeed kill him. It pained him to hear his dear apprentice and kin in such pain and distress thinking he was dead, but he would find a way back. so instead of reassuring Hawkpaw, he went limp and let himself get carried away with the wolf. The last thing he saw before his view was cut off by trees and bushes was the lost look in Hawkpaw's face, and the fear slowly draining away from his eyes into numb shock.


Falconblaze woke with a start. At first he froze, thinking that if he moved the wolf would realize he was still alive. But then he noticed the swinging motion of being carried around had stopped. In fact, he was lying on the ground by a small bush. He glanced around to make sure there was no wolf around before he stood up and shook himself. His back ached and his muscles were sore and stiff.

"Where am I?" he wondered aloud. He was still at the meadow, that was clear. It was green everywhere, birds sang, and ducks quacked in countless ponds all around the landscape. A few trees and bushes dotted here and there, and then a clump of trees at the far side of the fields.

He started walking towards the area where he knew he and Hawkpaw had made their nests.

HAWKPAW! Falconblaze remembered with a start. The apprentice must be terrified, all alone.

He probably went back to the nests. He thought, and started walking faster. After trotting for a long time he noticed the large pool of water where he and Hawkpaw liked to swim. He was closing in! Suddenly movement stopped him.

"Hawkpaw?" he asked hopefully. No reply. He walked closer, slowly. "Hawkpaw, is that you?" when there still wasn't any reply he felt his fur bristle and he raised his hackles. "Who's there?" he snarled.

He froze as a beautiful golden tabby she-cat stepped out. Her warm amber eyes glowed, and every paw print was frosted with stars.

"G-Goldenheart?" he asked in shock. The NightClan medicine cat smiled at him.

"Hello Falconblaze, my brave warrior." she greeted him. Falconblaze was struggling to understand.

"But you... Are we in StarClan?" when she nods he was even more puzzled. "But... Am I dead?"Goldenheart chuckled.

"No Falconblaze, you are not dead. You are only dreaming." she calmed him. Falconblaze sighed with relief.

"But why are you here?" he asks.

"I was sendt to give you courage. You and Hawkpaw are in grave danger because of the wolf pack. Their hunting instinct had\s been roused by you two." she said.

"Humph! Blood-thirsty killers, that's what they are. Don't care for others than themselves." he bared his teeth in a silent snarl.

"Falconblaze, you must understand. They are only what they are." as she spoke, wisps of grass and dust flew around them, shaping into pictures as she spoke. Falconblaze watched, hypnotized by the elegant movements.

He watched as they shaped into a pack of wolves hunting deer. Every detail was finely marked and they moved as if they were real.

"Wolves hunt to survive, like we. They thank prey for the life they have given, like we. We are cats, and we hunt mice. what must mice think and feel when we hunt them?"

Suddenly the picture blew into bits and transformed into a cat standing over a cowering mouse. But this cat wasn't like a normal cat; the eyes were glowing cruelly, and the claws and teeth were huge with dripping blood. In comparison to the mouse it was huge, like a monster.

"This is how prey will always see their hunters. Big and brutal, monsters. And I know that is how you feel. But is there really a difference?"

Falconblaze watches silently as the picture disappear and everything is calm again. He sighs.

"You are right. All lives should be cherished as special an necessary." he says finally. Goldenheart looks at him with a gaze full of pride.

"Well done. You have understood. Now it is up to you to teach Hawkpaw, and any other oblivious cat. This is what you were sendt here for, and now you may go back."

"But what about-"

"I will come to Hawkpaw and tell him you are alive. I will also tell him not to come looking for you." she soothed him.

Slowly she started to fade and Falconblaze felt like he was falling. He woke without moving and carefully opened his eyes. He was laying on the ground, but the long legs of his capturer was right in front of him so he dared not move. He could hear several voices, barks and yips of other excited wolves from everywhere around him. They all grew silent at the growl of another one. From the deep voice and heavy steps Falconblaze could tell it was big, strong and most likely the leader.

He stopped a shudder. He was in the wolf camp. All he had to do now was escape without being killed.

Falconblaze's Path (2): The New ApprenticeWhere stories live. Discover now