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Charlie slowly turned the ignition off, her leg drumming against her keys. Her eyes drifted up to the house, spotting the light glowing from his room. She felt a deep breath fill her chest as she began to open up her car door, but stopped when an overwhelming sense of fear creeped up her back.

How do you tell someone, who you know and trust, information you don't trust anyone with?

Charlie knew she was doing the right thing. That to move on from her past, she had to overcome how it affected her present. But, the idea that telling Jacob, who was so successful, kind, and selfless, who had become her present, might scare him away?

It was heart wrenching.

She quickly ran up the front steps, and with a split second of hesitation, rang the doorbell. As she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, she heard a faint, "I'm coming!"

Charles watched through the small window as Jacob came stumbling down his hallway, and before she can really even register it, the door flew open to reveal to Charlie her incredibly beautiful boyfriend.

She was face to face with a smiling Jacob, who's damp red hair has stuck to places on his forehead. He was wearing a pair of faded Iron Man sweatpants, and no shirt, beads of water still tricking down his chest. He's just there, in all of his glistening, Jacob Bertrand fucking glory.

Charlie's mouth feels as if it is full of sand. Truly, every time she sees him, it's her first time meeting him again. She tenses up, and that moment of shock always paralyzes her for the faintest second. A shiver runs through her body as he leant in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips.

"Jesus, you look fucking beautiful as always," he murmured as he pulled away, his eyes not so subtly tracing down her body. Charlie gave a nervous laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck as he squeezed her waist.

She still feels all of the nerves built up in her chest, but when she hugs him, it's like all of that melts away. Charlie had never experienced this type of care or love from anyone other than her family — no one had ever asked about her day, or held open doors, or kissed her on the forehead.

All of a sudden, Charlie let out a yelp as she was hoisted over one of his shoulders, Jacob laughing as he carried her back inside the house.

"Okay, So I picked up the food before I showered, so it may be a bit cold," Jacob babbled as Charlie drummed on his chest, "But Inception is ready to go, and so is the waffle maker. It makes Millennium Falcon waffles, by the way."

Charlie tried to giggle, but couldn't as she was in the most precarious position imaginable. "I would one hundred percent be laughing right now if my chest wasn't being pushed against your weirdly point shoulder."

Jacob quickly wrapped his hands around her waist, sliding her back down to solid ground, his face twisted into a glare.

"Don't talk about my shoulder that way. Otherwise, you can figure out the waffle maker by yourself."

Charlie watched as his nose twitched just a fraction of a centimeter, signaling that he was being a little shit in some shape or form.

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