Chapter Three: The Sides Plan

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Once the others had entered the living they sat down on the couches, chairs and floor. They all looked around looking for Logan. When they couldn't find him they assumed he was still upstairs get ready for bed. They all talked a little saddened by their choice to tell Nico he would have to wait. Roman didn't like the idea they had came up with for that problem. He really liked the song writer. He was amazing to Roman. As Nico was kind, caring, sweet, playful, and very funny. Virgil liked how creative he was along with Nico's calming dimeter. Janus was just happy with Nico. It was the first time he hadn't lied in years. Well besides convincing Thomas to go to the callback. But that didn't work out so well. As his self preservation skills had failed him in that moment. But at least he was accepted in the end. They all soon heard footsteps on the stairs as they talked signaling them that Logan was coming down now. They all smiled happy to see the logical counterpart. As Logan got down to the first floor he heard snickering from his fellow sides. Logan knew why they were laughing at him. He was wearing his unicorn onesie. Something he never did around his family. He only wore it around Remus and Patton nowadays. Since they are the only ones who know that he wore this to bed and loved unicorns. Even though they weren't real. " Yeah yeah very funny you guys. Now we have something to talk about." Logan said knowing they have a lot to discuss at the moment. Along with their surprise for Thomas. They wanted to make this birthday special for their host. They all knew they had a lot going on this year. So they needed to do something to show Thomas that they care about him.

Once Logan sat down he sighed and gave them his answer to the problem they had just solved. " I was going to suggest we let Nico come over and stay so that we can do our plan the next day instead." Logan said knowing that their surprise can wait. But Thomas's friends and family could as well. But Logan knew Thomas's feelings for Nico. He didn't want Thomas to lose his chance at a relationship. After all they had moved on from Thomas's last relationship. Maybe he was ready for another one. After all it's been a year or so. There was no harm in trying. " But we can't put it off. We've been planning this for four months now. I was all ready to make his cake as amazing as it can be." Patton said knowing they all had everything in order for their plan to go well. Logan sighed. He hated making Patton upset. It always made him feel bad now as Patton had a tendency to have panic attacks as much as Virgil did now. They all had trouble with sleeping walk back in summer. As all of them aside from Virgil felt they weren't needed and unwanted by Thomas. Which had them all sleepwalking for the whole summer until they all solved the problem with Virgil. Which made them all happy. But they still had things to work on with each other and themselves. " I know Patton it's just we have a chance with this boy. He's great for Thomas. But if we're going to have that chance we need to make a way for that. Meaning we needed to put us aside from Thomas and put his friends, family, and love life first. As much as I hate it. We need to do it." Logan said knowing what he was saying wasn't the best idea for them to do. But it was all that he had for them. They all nodded agreeing to the idea. But Roman didn't nod. He wasn't going to do this. He had helped Thomas through that day along with Virgil. He wasn't gonna back down from this fight. Especially when Thomas would always need them. They were his sides. And he was their family. He has brought them together. He wasn't letting Thomas go without their help if they did this to him.

Roman stood up and stomped his foot wanting every ones attention. Everyone looked at him wondering why he had that outburst. He looked at them all one by one seeing the sad looks on their faces. Especially one Virgil and Patton's. He knew Virgil had gotten Thomas to talk to Nico because of him and his feelings. But Patton's was because of his connection to Thomas's heart and emotions. So it made Roman feel bad. " No. We can't do this to Nico and Thomas." Roman said knowing they can't do this. He wouldn't do this. He knew that relationships and friendships were based on truths and time together. He wasn't going to let Thomas do something that would make him unhappy. Not now and not ever again. " Then what do you suggest we do Roman?" Janus asked wondering what the prince wanted them to do about this problem. Roman smiled happy that Janus asked this. " We can't let our surprise go to waste. And we can't leave Nico out. So I have an idea." Roman said knowing they'll listen to him now that he said what they weren't going to do. " Then tell us already drama king." Remus said teasing his brother a bit with the nickname. Roman sighed. While he knew what Remus was doing he hated the nickname. He knew how Virgil and Logan felt when he did that to them. It was still hard to break the habit though. But he was getting through it. " Why don't we invite Nico to the party we are planning for Thomas. That way when Joan, Taelyn, and Thomas get back Nico will already be there." Roman said trying to get them on board with this plan. He didn't want to disappoint them with this. He also didn't want to see Patton and Thomas sad for the next week or so while waiting for Thomas's birthday to arrive. Patton smiled at that idea. He loved the thought they could pull this off with also making Thomas happy and having him introduce Nico to Joan and Taelyn. " That's a great idea kiddo." Patton said happy with the idea. He didn't want to leave someone out of the party. He would go with it at this point. " Are you sure we won't make Joan and Taelyn upset by inviting Nico to the party were planning for Thomas?" Virgil asked wondering if Roman thought about that.

That's when the other sides looked at Roman. They wanted to know if he had thought about that or not. Roman cleared his throat getting nervous from everyone looking at them. He did think about that. After all he didn't want Joan and Taelyn to be upset with Thomas and them. They were Thomas's best friends. He never wanted them to be upset with Thomas. As it would make Thomas sad. " I have thought about that. All possibilities actually." Roman said knowing he has. All the possibilities lead to them not being upset at Thomas at all. They actually end up becoming friends with Nico. So that was why Roman was suggesting this. " And where did that lead to?" Logan asked wondering where all the possibilities Roman went through lead. After all he needed to know if this suggestion was logical or not. So that they could do it without consequences. " It leads to Taelyn and Joan becoming friends with Nico and not being upset with Thomas about inviting him over for his surprise birthday party." Roman said explaining what he saw. Logan was surprised by this. Sure he knew Roman had a bit on insight on what could happen. But as Logan saw it this was a risk they were going to have to take. " Alright we'll do it. We'll take this chance and make sure that it's kept a secret from Thomas. But if it goes south it's on you." Logan said knowing this will be on Roman if Joan and Taelyn get upset with Thomas. Roman grinned happy with that answer. " You got it teach." Roman said very happy about this. But they were all curious about how the plan will work out now. Since they can't reveal themselves without Thomas's permission. So they would have to do something they never liked doing. They would have to pretend to be Thomas while they called Nico about their host's birthday.

" So explain to us the new plan Roman." Patton said wanting to know what the plan was now that they have to do more for Thomas's surprise party. Roman nodded ready to tell them the plans revisions. " Okay so the first step now would be calling Nico and inviting him over for Thomas's birthday. But we have to do it without revealing ourselves to him. So one of us has to be Thomas." Roman said knowing one them has to be Thomas in order to make the plan work. Along with making Nico think Thomas would be there before their host actually got back to his home. Janus winced at that. He knew there was one thing Thomas didn't want to do to Nico and that was lying and tricking him. Janus didn't want to do it either. But he knew he had to protect them. Or it would be risking revealing their existences to Nico without Thomas knowing. " So who's going to be calling Nico and disguising themselves as Thomas?" Logan asked wondering who was going to do it. He had a pretty good guess of who was going to do it. He just wanted to hear it from Roman. Roman giggled nervously knowing Janus won't agree to do it. " Well I was thinking Janus could. But if he's not comfortable with it one of us can do it." Roman said suggesting an idea about that. Janus knew he was going to suggest they do that. Mostly that he should do it. Janus groaned knowing he needed to remind Roman of something they didn't want to do with Nico. All of the other sides noticed Janus distressed with the groaning he was doing. So they all looked at him. " What's wrong Jan Jan?" Remus asked wondering what was bothering his best friend. " I feel like I need to remind Roman of something we all said we weren't going to do while developing our relationship with Nico." Janus said knowing he must have to do this. Roman was confused by what Janus said. But Virgil wasn't and decided play dumb with it. " And what is that thing we all said we wouldn't do Janus?" Virgil asked wanting Janus to tell them. Just to remind them all of what it was that promised Thomas not to do with Nico. Janus smirked ready to tell them about what Roman and Virgil didn't want to do for Thomas while developing this relationship with Nico. So it can become something more than a friendship.

Janus quickly cleared his throat knowing he needed to build tension to make Roman feel bad about breaking this promise to Thomas. Or at least suggesting to break their promise to Thomas. " We promised Thomas that we would be truthful and not lie to Nico about Thomas. So we're not going to hide ourselves from him. Instead I will tell him as Thomas to come over but then we'll explain what's going on. That way we won't be lying just leading the mouse into the lion's den." Janus said knowing that's what they would be doing with Nico coming to Thomas's surprise party. They all looked at Janus wondering if that's the only reason he was agreeing to micking Thomas's voice to get Thomas's friend and crush to come to the party they were planning for their amazing host. " Alright then. Then we will continue the rest of the plan from there. If everything goes just as planned we will have the best birthday for Thomas yet." Roman said knowing they had everything all planned out now. It made him happy that their plan would be set in motion very soon. They all nodded happily agreeing with that. After everything was settled they all decided to watch a movie before going to bed. But Janus still felt that micking Thomas's voice would still be lying to Nico. He knew it was too late to turn back now. He just had to go along with the plan and hope Nico wouldn't be upset with Thomas and the sides when he found out.

To Be Continued

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