Chapter Eight: Introducing The Sides

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Once Patton, Logan, and Janus got back they appeared in their places with everything in their arms while in boxes. " Were back kiddos!" Patton said excited about setting up the party for Thomas. Nico looked at them confused. They all looked like Thomas but it very different ways from him and each other. The one he assumed was Thomas had his hair all fancy and styled in a way a prince would. The other was dressed the same way but had a blinded eye, a mustache, and a grey streak in his hair. The other looked like a teenage version of Thomas in their emo phase. But these three also looked very different as well. The first two had glasses. But one looked like a stereotypical dad character. The other looked like a teacher who was ready for work but very strict on his students. Which he wasn't. But the other terrified him a little. As he had scales on one side of his face. That sides eye was a snake eye as well. He seemed scary to Nico. But really he wasn't. Janus was harmless. Unless you hurt his family of sides or his host. Which he hoped he would never have to get violent with anyone who would do that to his family. Especially with Nico. " Um Patton you might want to halt that excitement love. We have a guest. I think we need to explain things to him. Before he freaks out even more." Janus said knowing Nico was confused and scared of them at the moment. Which was very understandable. As they were never acknowledged by their hosts or humans in general. Most people didn't even know that their personalities were made up of people who represented their personalities. So it wasn't surprising to see another person shocked by them. " W-Who are you guys? Why are you in Thomas's apartment? Where is Thomas? Did you hurt him?" Nico said very worried about his friend. But his mind was racing a million miles an hour right now. As he didn't know who or what the sides were. Or why they were in Thomas's apartment. Janus hissed at Nico mad by the assumption that he and his family would hurt the person who had made them a family. " How dare you assume we would hurt Thomas?! He is our family and host. Without him we wouldn't be a family or be who we are now! So don't ever assume we would hurt someone we care about." Janus spat not wanting to be accused of hurting anyone ever again. He had been as Patton asked Virgil about his past a year or so ago. Causing the moral attribute assume he had hurt Virgil in one way or another. It really hurt Janus and he was still upset by it to this day.

Soon Roman had sunk into the real world wear his red hoodie with a crown in the middle of it. Along with his skinny jeans. " The prince is back! And ready to slay." Roman said making a good entrance. Virgil laughed as he saw Roman's entrance. " Way to break the ice sir sing a lot." Virgil said finding it funny. Roman was confused by this. Wondering what the dark attribute meant by that. He looked around saw the three who had went to the mind palace run into Nico as they entered the room. Roman winced realizing what had happened when they had entered the apartment. " Oh yeah this is bad. I guess we have to introduce ourselves to Nico then. I didn't want to do this until Thomas got back." Roman said feeling bad for this. He had a feeling Thomas would be mad once he had found out about this. " We all did Roman!" They all yelled knowing that with Thomas there it was easier. As they would his permission to show themselves and tell Nico about themselves without angering their host. " Alright I get it. So who's first?" Roman asked wondering who would go first in this situation. They all started thinking about that question. Usually Thomas would be here to help them decide as they went by who appeared with Thomas's mind first when he introduced them all to Joan, Talyn, Valerie, Jamela, and Leo. But they didn't know if they should do that for Nico as well. " Let's start with Patton then we'll go from there." Logan said knowing Patton was the oldest out of all of them. As far as they knew at least. They all agreed with doing that started with the introductions. " Hi I'm Patton. I represent Thoma's Morality. I'm the core of all his feelings and his sense of right or wrong." Patton said explaining who he was to Nico. Nico nodded assuming these guys already knew who he was. Since they are apart of Thomas as far as he knew at least.

Janus went next a little bashful from his outburst at Nico a few minutes ago. As he didn't mean to do it. But he was tired of being treated like he was a bad guy when he wasn't a bad guy at all. He just represented something as bad. Which he loved what he represented it was getting harder to understand it. But soon he hoped he would understand his title more as he grew and had more host. But Thomas had brought something out of him. Something he hadn't felt since he started being a side at age twenty. His caring truthful and loving personality. It was there again and it made him happy. He could never give Thomas enough of his time or effort to pay back for this gift. He also couldn't give their counsel enough praise for pairing him with his soulmate and family either. Janus stepped forward and cleared his throat. " I'm Janus. I'm Thomas's Deception. I'm his need to lie or tell the truth. I'm very sorry for my outburst but being assumed to hurt my host who has given me a family and relationship makes me very upset and angry about that." Janus said explaining who he was what he represented and why he had that little outburst of his. " I understand I would feel the same. If anyone did that to me that is." Nico said knowing that he would've done the same. Janus nodded and went over to Patton who was getting the cake ready for when Thomas arrived for the party. Logan went next knowing he'll be one of the confusing ones. But would understand and explain more to Nico when the time  came to it. He stepped up to the center and cleared his throat. " I am Logan I'm Thomas's Logic. His want to learn. His need for reason. Everything from learning to scheduling is my job and I maintain it well." Logan said knowing he did all of that and more for Thomas. He was what kept Thomas on task. What made him work. What had made Thomas determined to bring his sides together again. It was nice to have a family again. Just like how things were when Thomas was five to ten years old. " So were you the one who pushed Thomas towards me when we met?" Nico said wanting to know which side did that. While he remembered seeing two of the sides that day. Logan paused for a moment. While he would've done it as a logical move for Thomas to face. He didn't focus on emotions unless it was really necessary for him to. " No. I don't focus on emotions. Unless I really have to though." Logan said explaining that to Nico. Remus giggled from the other side of the room. He knew it was a lie. Logan used emotions around him a lot more than he liked to admit. Remus could tell it was obvious. Logan was in love with him and he didn't know it. At least not yet. " Not true Nerdy Wolverine." Remus said knowing Logan was lying to Nico. Logan got flustered by that. He blushed a bright red across his cheeks as he looked at Remus. " Sh-Shut up Remus." Logan said not wanting Nico or the others to know that he was in love with Remus. The intrusive side giggled finding it funny to tease his logical counterpart.

The next ones to go were Roman and Remus. Since they were once King Creativity also known as Romulus. They had appeared as one side in the mindscape when Thomas was three. When the creativity started. But they had turned into two sides of their own when Thomas had turned ten years old. They were separated from each other after a year. When Remus got Thomas in trouble for drawing something intrusive. But now he had learned to keep the thoughts inside making Thomas happy with it. The twins stepped up to Nico ready to introduce themselves to him. " I'm Roman." The red cladded side said happy to finally get a chance to talk to Nico himself and not through Thomas. Nico realized Roman was the one he confused for Thomas. But he had no time to process that before Remus pushed his brother to the side. " And I'm Remus." Remus said being as flamboyant as he could be with it. He wanted to show himself in his introduction. Just like he did with Thomas. Unlike Roman who was flashy and elegant in his. Like a prince show be in their eyes. Roman shoved his brother out of the way wanting to be seen as well. They made room for each other after being yelled at by Patton and Janus to behave when they have a guest in the house. They stopped after that knowing when the two sides who had parented them both told them to behave they had to. Janus had taken Remus in when he ran away from the light side of the mindscape and mind palace. Janus had raised Remus to be intrusive thoughts and bad creativity. But Remus's job was everything to Roman now. Without his brother he wouldn't be at his full potential. It was the same for Remus. But Remus left because he got Thomas in trouble. Causing Patton to yell at him and Roman for creating something like that. So to keep Roman from getting in trouble with Patton again and crying himself to sleep he ran away from home. Leaving his brother and best friend behind with Patton.

Once the two had composed themselves they realized Nico was laughing about what they had just done. They were a bit embarrassed but happy about causing him to laugh. He stopped after a minute to let them continue. " Continue please I just found it funny." Nico said explaining why he was laughing. They all nodded then they let the twins continue with their introduction. " We're the creativity twins." They both said proud of their titles and what they do for Thomas. After all they were how Thomas made a living and came up with video ideas. Nico smiled at them both. He didn't know Thomas was so creative. But it lead the question that Nico knew he would have to ask. Who was the good and who was the bad creativity. " Um who's which side of creativity?" Nico asked wondering if they had titles for which sides of the aspect. Roman and Remus sighed. They knew this question would come up. They might as well answer it. " I'm the good one. Remus is the bad one. Or intrusive thoughts." Roman said explaining who represented what and did what for Thomas. Nico nodded understanding what they were saying. He didn't know if he had sides at all. But if Thomas does that means everyone else has some representing their personalities too. He would have to think about it later because as the thought popped into his head the last side of Thomas's came up to him.

As Virgil stopped in front of Nico he noticed something about Virgil. He seemed very nervous. Almost as much as Thomas was when they first met. It made him wonder. Was Virgil the one who caused all those mess ups for Thomas on that day. It was possible. Social anxiety makes you do clumsy things. Maybe there was a way to calm him down. Anxiety doesn't last forever. And the feeling will be there until you can calm down pull yourself together and say you got this. Even if you don't. So if Nico could figure it out and understand the sides. Maybe he can be closer to Thomas and know Thomas better than he already does. But for now. He needed to meet the anxious side in front of him.

To be continued.

A/N: Yes it's been a few months. Yes this should've been finished by now. I wasn't motivated to do this until now. But at least I got this part done. Yes I need to make Virgil's part separate from this. Because it's 2,000+ words. I did not mean to do this. Anyway thanks for reading and sticking with me. It's been a year and two months since I made this account. And it's been the same for my Ao3.

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