Chapter four: Calling Nico

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Soon enough morning had arrived. Janus and Patton had woken up early so they can start the plan. But first they had to make breakfast for everyone and themselves. Janus sighed as they made breakfast. He didn't know if he could do this. After all he had been trying to be a light side for a year now. He had made progress. He's been doing his job well. But he was afraid of doing this. He was scared it would send him back to step one of being who he used to be. He didn't want to go back. He loved being back where he belonged. He was happy to be with Patton again. After so many years of being apart over an argument that lasted so long between them. He was a light side again. He could get his and Patton's relationship to where it was again. He would do better. He would make Patton happier this time. He would make himself better for Patton and himself. No matter what happened this time he would make sure what caused them to fight would never happen again. Patton had noticed Janus's sighing and sad look from the moment they both woke up. He knew how his lover felt about lying now that he was a light side again. He didn't like it either. But this was for Thomas. That's what Patton was reminding himself of as he cooked. He knew once they had done what they were going to do it would be off their minds and they would hopefully be happy about it. But he knew Janus would need encouragement to do this. " Janus are you alright?" Patton asked wondering if the snake like side was okay or not. Janus looked at him knowing Patton has noticed what he was feeling. So there was no use in hiding it. " No I'm not alright Patton." Janus said trying not to lie as he answered the question. It was easy to lie about being okay. It has always been for him. As he's been doing it for a very long time. He never wanted Remus or Virgil to worry about him. That's why he did it. " What's wrong?" Patton asked wondering what was on Janus's mind. He wasn't going to make the mistakes he made in the past. He wouldn't let Janus bottle up his emotions and problems like he had.

Janus took a deep breath knowing he needed the confidence to tell Patton about this. He didn't want to disappoint them all. This was important for all of them. Even for him. But doing this was going to be hard for him. He didn't want to lie if it wasn't necessary. He understood this time was though. They were just trying to make Thomas happy with doing this. So why did he feel so bad about doing this? " Well I don't like what we're about to do. It seems like lying to me. Even though we're doing this for Thomas's sake. But trying our best to make this birthday special for him." Janus said knowing he had conflicting feelings about doing this plan. He didn't want to lie to Nico. But he also didn't want to see Thomas unhappy for the next week or so. He knew what he had to do. He had to do this call for Thomas. " Well I'll be there the whole time your calling Nico. So if you see me get uncomfortable you can stop." Patton said knowing that will help Janus feel better. Patton never liked lying but he was making an acception for this one time. After all this was for Thomas and Nico's developing relationship. It was for their host's happiness and well being. So he was okay with it this time. As long as they explain what they did to Nico and Thomas later. " So your okay with this?" Janus asked wondering if Patton was really okay with tricking Nico. He knew Patton stood for right and wrong. He knew the difference between them. He also knew that the moral side would be just as affected by this choice as Thomas would if he was doing it. " Well I don't agree with doing it but it's something we want to do for Thomas's birthday. So I'm putting up with it and just going with the flow on the this plan. If Thomas is happy. Then I'm happy." Patton said letting Janus know that he would be happy as long as Thomas was. Janus wasn't surprised by this. Patton had always done this with him and Thomas in the past. He knew Patton wasn't as he had been going to Emile to deal with his problems lately. " Alright. Breakfast is done so let's eat and then go into the real world. Before Thomas wakes up." Janus said wanting to hurry and get the first step on the plan done before Nico plans something for that day. He didn't want to disappoint the others with that fact when they woke up. Especially when he has come so far in making them and Thomas happy without lying. " Right." Patton said okay with doing that. He knew Janus was right they did need to hurry. Thomas was going to wake up in an hour. So they had limited time to make this call and make sure this was going to work.

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