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He was standing over there, wide smile, sparkling eyes, black beanie, hands in his back pocket. The golden sunrays were making their job perfectly that day by falling on his unreachable visual. Did he walk out of a magazine cover?

Rona's eyes fell on him as he was waiting for her at the bus stop near her house. She got off of the bus and walked towards him, mumbling to herself. "God bless the asteroid that hit the earth, extinguished dinosaurs that became fossils, turned into oil that fueled the truck took the concrete to build the hospital where he was born."

Minho burst out laughing and fell to his knees clenching his stomach.

"SHIT! Did I say that aloud?" Rona exclaimed, slamming a hand to her mouth.

"Pretty loud and clear." Minho said between the giggles.

Rona's cheeks turned red and hot. When will she stop embarrassing herself in front of the boy? She cleared her throat and tried to look a little bit confident as she walk past the boy who was still giggling on the ground. "Well, where is the lie?" She shrugged. "I told you before that you are handsome. You should consider modeling by the way."

Minho got up to his feet and started following her, walking backward as usual. "Maybe in my next life, I would give up on dancing and go for modeling."

"You're not going to die of heart disease, Lee Minho. You'll die cause you tripped over and smashed your head at some rock if you don't stop walking backward." She scolded.

"I like looking at your face as we talk. And if I trip, you'll catch me just like the last time." He said sending her a wink, bringing back the memory of the last time when she tried to catch him.

Rona blinked nervously many times at the thought of how it ended with her on top of him. She quickly brushed the memory off before she gets red again. "So, what do you want to do?" She asked, changing the subject.


"I mean something you wish to achieve or a place you want to visit. Something like that."

"You are asking about my bucket list?"

"Kind of."

"It's not an interesting one." Minho turned to walk forward like normal people. "My top priority was to get your attention and I've already achieved that."

"What?" Rona stopped and looked at the boy in confusion. "You were trying to get my attention?"


"You knew me before we met?"


Rona stepped back from Minho, widening the gap between them. "Were you stalking me?" She asked, squinting her eyes at him. "You said it was a coincidence that we met frequently because you live in the same neighborhood and go to my university's hospital!"

"I said that but I never mentioned 'coincidence'. I tried a lot to get your attention but you never noticed me. Until that rainy day. You looked at me for the first time."

"Damn! I became a friend to a stalker." She gasped.

"Better than a ghost!" He joked chuckling.


Rona wanted to help Minho. The boy was like the light of her life recently but she had nothing to give him. She felt like she owed him for making her life more interesting for the past few months. As much as his smile would bring warmness to her body, it would also bring pain to her heart. Thinking of how he was going through a lot alone but still keeping his spirit up, was hurting her a lot.

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