Chapter 5

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Shit. Izaya gulped. Today was not in his favour. 1st the guy he likes was - is- getting married and then just as he's about to leave this Motherfucker decides to attack them in public. Which is where Izaya now finds himself, in full view of people who know him, in his real form. He officially knows that today is the worst day in his long history of bad days. God damnit!

Shizuo looks at Izaya his face one of pure amazement. Shinra on the other hand had fainted.

"Izzy, would you be a dear, AND GET THIS MOTHERFUCKER OFFA ME?!!?!?!?!?" Miagi was losing her temper quickly, which Izaya noted was not a good thing especially at this moment of time. Izaya took a deep breath and counted down from 3 in his head.




Izaya opened his eyes.


Sorry its super duper short, but i have forgotten what i want to do with this story... So it will progress reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally slowly, but i'll try and update to get to the juicy parts. If u know what i mean ;o). Hheheheheheehehe. Sorry. But comment if u want a lemon or just keep it T (R13 or something like that)

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