Chapter 3

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Spoiler on drrr involving Celty's head

Ohshitohshitohshitohshit where the fuck was it?! Izaya slightly delusional tried to get up only to be thrown by Shizuo. When Izaya hit the wall he let out a small grunt. Whatever that thing was it had done a number on his back.

"Hey Flea why're you crashing my wedding?" Izaya tried to hide the emotions in his eyes, but everything stoped when he saw Miagi. Her leg... Her leg had been eaten! Izaya was done with the charade and grabbed Shizuo by the neck and tossed him over to where Shinra and Celty where standing still unaware of Miagi and Izaya knew why. The whatever the hell it was must be feeding of her physical form. Izaya lept over the pews to where his sister was laying, carefully he rolled her over and muttered a chant under his breath that would make the beast appear and Miagi as well. Izaya heard gasps meaning it was working. Miagi weakly reached a hand out to Izaya and grasped his shoulder. Slowly yet steadily they both stood up and faced the thing.

"Well, we're screwed. That's a god of Chaos." Miagi smirked he leg being regrown as she took her kitchen knife out and it turned into a katana that was as black as midnight and sharp as bight light, chains erupted from the ground clinking as they made a stable barrier. Izaya taking a deep breath pulled up his hood and took out his pocket knife it returned into its scythe form. There were murmurs of shock and denial through out the audience as they finally saw the real Orihara's, their forms and personalities.

"Who are you?" Miagi yelled knowing why her brother couldn't.

"Who am i? I AM CHAOS WALKING! I KILL THAT WHICH YOU MAKE I MAKE WEEPERS OF YOUR RACE AND YOU DARE ASK ME FOR A NAME?!" Miagi rolled her eyes then stopped once Izaya elbowed her. Taking a closer look at this monster she could recognise it as one of the gods of nightmares, not one she'd personally particularly like to pick a fight with. Now Gods of nightmares take shape of the nightmares they host, but this Nightmare wouldn't stop shifting from his smoke form to a solid form. Miagi wanted to come up with a plan, but alas this was Izaya's land of expertise.

"So got any ideas Izzy?"


Next chappy on the other side with Shinra, Celty and Shizuo + guests.

Now i'm a go to bed it's like 03:32 in the morning so g'night.

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