Chapter 8

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Izaya glanced at Shizuo, unshed tears threatening to overflow and cascade down his cheeks. Shizuo glanced at Izaya and caught his eyes making the glance seem as if it had lasted a life time. Shizuo huffed and cautiously walked to Izaya who to him looked like the same flea as before. But he wasn't the same. Was he? He might of learnt something new about him, but he always had that part of him, he just didn't show it; like the tears he was trying oh so desperately to wipe away so no one would see him cry.

Shizuo's steps grew slower and softer as he approached Izaya, unsure of how he'd react. After reaching about an arms length away Izaya looked up and into Shizuo's eyes and as Shizuo opened his mouth to speak Izaya threw himself at Shizuo and clutching desperately to his shirt he cried his eyes out into Shizuo's chest. Shizuo gawped in amazement at the feeling of Izaya's small frame pressed against his and shaking with the effort of trying to contain his sobs. Shizuo raised his arms as if to hug Izaya, but stopped halfway. Why was he acting like this? Was it because he saw the real Izaya? before he could give himself any real answers Izaya gave a huge sob that shook his whole body and Shizuo put his arms around Izaya before he could think other wise. At Shizuo's contact Izaya breathed in a shaky breath as if readying himself for Shizuo to crush him. Shizuo's eyes widened slight with the knowledge that he could break Izaya both physically and mentally, he took a deep breath and held it for a bit before releasing it and thinking of what he would say. Izaya waited with baited breath his tears forgotten.

"So, flea... What're you gonna do now?" Shizuo asked looking at the ceiling trying his best to stop the slight fog that had settled in his head.

"I dunno, Its up to Miagi." Izaya sniffed and rubbed his red eyes. Shizuo looked down at Izaya then looked at Miagi who was wearing a troubled expression as she looked at them. Miagi started to stride towards them and stopped a few feet away.

"Izaya... I think its best you choose for yourself on this one." Miagi said sadness filing her eyes as she looked on at the two. Izaya gawped at his sister in disbelief.

"Ummm... I'd like to stay." Izaya mumbled into Shizuo's chest a blush once again coating his cheeks and tips of his ears.  Miagi's expression softened and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it." Miagi said and clicking her fingers she put the church back to normal. Miagi smiled and waved Izaya over. Izaya detangled himself from Shizuo and  plodded over to her a somber look on his face as he assumed that she would wipe peoples minds ao that this would never happen. Izaya's eyes widened slightly realising that what Shizuo had said that day would nullify

"It's okay Izaya, I just want to make sure." Miagi smiled sadly before lunging at Izaya's neck with her teeth bared, only to be nocked aside by Shizuo as he pushed Izaya into his chest before he realised that he had moved. Miagi sat up groaning before she burst into hysterical laughing as if there was a punch line to a joke that no-one had heard. Izaya looked up at shizuo who was blushing at the closeness of Izaya and Izaya couldn't help but lean in closer to Shizuo's warmth. Miagi's fit of laughter died down and she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'm glad; you'll have him protecting him." Miagi said the tears in her eyes making her eyelashes glisten. Izaya's breath caught in his throat and made it hard to breath as his sister disappeared right in front of him. Izaya moved away from Shizuo and held his hand out towards Miagi who looked strait at shizuo and commanded:

"Don't you fuck up or I'll be back." Miagi smiled at her own words, but Shizuo had a feeling that it would be a death sentence if he upset or hurt Izaya. Shizuo nodded his head in agreement making a huge grin burst onto Miagi's face as she disappeared leaving in streaks of white light. Izaya's eye widened and glistened with unshed tears, but as Miagi kept fading the tears threatened to burst forth Izaya turned his head into Shizuo's chest and let the tears slide down his face. Shizuo took hos eyes away from Miagi to look at Izaya's shaking form and rubbed circles on his back hoping that it would calm him down.

It didn't take long for Miagi to disappear, but ro everyone it felt like it had been hours. Izaya had fallen asleep the only thing keeping him from falling to the ground were Shizuo's arms that were wrapped around his waist. Shizuo picked Izaya up, who wrapped his legs around Shizuo and buried his face in Shizuo's neck, with his hands burled up and kept close to his chest. Shizuo looked down at Izaya's tear streaked face and smiled softly, unsure of where to go (and how) Shizuo looked towards celty and asking gently for a lift to Izaya's.

When Shizuo arrived he found Izaya's apartment barren, as if never lived in, Shizuo sighed again and asked Celty if she'd be okay to take him to his place, celty nodded in agreement, but kept an eye on Izaya wary of what he could do and what he was.

Once in his apartment Shizuo let out a big sigh tired after a long day, trying to get Izaya in something more comfortable to sleep in but everything he had kept falling off of Izaya's hips and his shirts all seemed to be dresses on Izaya. Shizuo sighed and decided to just put one of his plain t-shirts on Izaya and he changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and a plain t-shirt as well. Shizuo laid down next Izaya on the bed and hugged him close surprised at home little warmth the other radiated. Shizuo sighed wondering what he'd got himself into as he closed his wary eyes and listened to the gentil breathing of Izaya.

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