Chapter 1

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"Izaya focus on the task at haaaand please, you don't want us to die now?" Miagi looked at Izaya's glazed blood red eyes as he blinked trying to get back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah i hear ya sis." Izaya sighed and looked at his pocket knife, flicking the blade in and out also annoying Miagi in the process.

"Will you stop that?!" Miagi hissed making the brunette shrink in on himself and mumble a small apology.

"Shit target is on the move, ready your motherfucking weapon Izzy~" Miagi looked through her binoculars and kept trail on the target as it started heading to the house closest To it. Izaya flicked out his knife that started morphing into a Scythe that was just taller than him, the blade was curved like a crescent moon and sharp as the Devils tongue, the lethal blade that matched its wielder was attached to a complex net work of metal wire attached to a black pole, his whole being screamed power.

"3..2..1.. NOW!" Izaya lept down off the building onto the pavement leaving  cracks where he landed. The small beast looked at him through big eyes trying to pass itself of as a puppy, when that didn't work it gave a low warning growl as it started to fully turn around and get into a pouncing position, its face contorting as it became more wild and horrifying. Izaya stood there unblinking as the thing began to launch itself at Izaya's neck, Izaya raised the scythe with deadly precision like a professional surgeon and sliced the beast in  half it's organs and blood flowing freely onto the pavement as it's black blood splattered onto Izaya's face giving the impression that with his red glowing eyes that he was a demon out for blood.

Miagi Jumped from the building and landed on the same spot as Izaya adding to the cracking pavement.

"Hey, well done Izaya." Miagi patted Izaya on the back and pulled his hood up making the fur fall in his eyes.

"Hey Miagiii that isn't nice~" Izaya pouted childishly at his sisters teasing.

"Oh hey aren't you getting older tomorrow?" Miagi suddenly asked placing her slim delicate index finger to the corner of her mouth in a charade of thoughtfulness.

"Well, you don't have to put it like that otherwise you might as well say it everyday! But yeah Tomorrow is my Birthday... Why?"  Izaya frowned as he looked at his sister who was just shorter than him.

"Well urmm... How should I put it?" Miagi rubbed the back of her neck and scuffed her boots.

"Well... what is it?" Izaya was starting to run low on patience.

"We can get our jobs back when you become of age so we need to go to a certain church at a certain time so i'd say your good byes because i don't think we'll be coming back." Miagi looked apologetically at Izaya's frozen face.

"What?" Izaya tried making his face as neutral as possible, but really what was the use she could read all emotions and see strings of fate, Miagi pretty much already knew who would hate, love, like, trust and annoy each other. Thats why she pittied Izaya, she knew who he was connected with by the red string of fate - the one that gave a soft warm glow unlike hate wich was harsh and blazed like fire.

"Find Shizuo, say what you want... and then say goodbye because you won't be seeing him unless he decides to kick the bucket. Izaya looked at the ground as tears formed in his eyes and Miagi reassured him as tomorrow came.

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