y/n ?!?!?!?😰

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i watch nervously as my uwu smol bean bb boy nagito walks into the coffee shop to talk to y/n.

As he goes to stand in line y/n glances up and drops their pencil. Then they say something i can't quite make out and everybody turns to look at my cookie kiss owo puppy. 

My pookie babyboy papi says something and smiles nervously. Y/n gets up and says something else and... NO WAIT WHAT?? THEY ARE TAKING OUT THEIR PHONE AND... HANDING IT TO MY LIL UWU BEAN? AND HES HANDING HIS PHONE BACK? ARE THEY EXCHANGING NUMBERS?

I run away crying back to the forest and start singing "Fight song" at the top of my lungs. "THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG🥺🥺🥺TAKE BACK MY LIFE SONG 😣😣😥PROVE IM ALRIGHT SOONNNGG😩😩😩😩" Then i collapse on the floor and cry violently.

HOW COULD Y/N EVER TRY AND STEAL MY SCHMOOPSY-POO😠😠😡 i suddenly realize i'm gonna have to take matters into my own hands...

(AUTHORS NOTE: help this is turning into yandere ed i'm so sorry 😭😭)

I run back to my house and check my phone to see 99+ notifs from pookie.. Not now bbg ik you are missing papi but i have to save you from evil y/n (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

I go into the kitchen and grab a knife

(AUTHORS NOTE: okay this might actually get gory beware friends 🤤)

I run back to the coffee shop to see both apple crumble uwu bean AND y/n BOTH GONE!!!! Y/N PROBABLY KIDNAPPED NAGITO!!! Oh god this is bad!

Wait.. y/n is famous right? So I can just search them up online and their address will be right there! And while i'm at it i can d0xx them as well for good measure..

I'm getting ahead of myself. Right now I just need to find out where they are so I can get rid of them for good.. I punch in " y/n address" and get immediate results..

Haha i'm so sussy.. I'm acting like an imposter rn omg 📮📮🤣

I go to the address it said and throw a grenada at the door to make it open faster bc i ain't got time for doornobs 🤣🤣‼️‼️‼️

When I get in I see y/n and Nagito making out!!! WHAT THE HELL😡😡😡😡I pull out my knife and charge towards y/n

(authors note: i am so sorry for this story idk why i thought it was a good idea to write this).

"EDDY STOP" Nagito cries as he steps in front of y/n. My blade grazes his face and a tiny bit of blood splatters on my mcr t-shirt.



There is a painful amount of silence as Nagito looks at the floor. Then he suddenly.. starts to laugh? A look of terror spreads across y/n's face.

The laughter gets louder and he starts to sound like a 30 year old man for some reason.
"You don't get it do you.. This was my plan all along!" Nagito shouts. "W-what???uwu😈🥺" I say.

"For a long time, humans have been taught that if you try hard enough, you can accomplish anything. Even if we weren't told directly, you'd know just by looking at the world around us. The internet, tv, and newspapers are overflowing with hopeful messages that say exactly that. But people who can't win...people who don't try to win...peopel who try their best and still can't win...they are all worthless trash. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are born with worth, and everybody else. No matter how hard a lowly human tries, they will never be the same as someone who was born worthy. They say that 'effort breeds success'...but that's a complete lie. The world is not that accommodating. No matter how hard a small dog tries, it will never become a large dog. No matter how hard a penguin tries, there's no way it will ever soar through the sky...which means...unworthy humans will never become worthy, no matter what they do. people with talents dont become talented...they're just born with their abilities right from the start. That's right...just like you guys. That's why I have so much respect for you two. Ah, just so you know, what I feel is different from admiration. Admiration is...wishing you could be like the object of your admiration. But what I feel is not so self-serving. How should I put it? What I feel...more pure...more like a selfless love that wants nothing in return... so...i want you guys to believe me when I say... I dont mind if you kill me for cheating on you both.. but if that happens.. Please remember to create hope from the despair i'm bringing to you currently! I truly believe you two can become embodiments of hope, and i wish more than anything to help you achieve that." Nagito says.

Woah i wasn't really listening that was a lot. Well what are we gonna do now? Do I have to break up with my sugar cube 🥺🥺?

no. I have to carry out my plan by killing y/n! THEY STARTED ALL THIS! WITHOUT THEM NAGITO AND I WOULD BE DOING KAREOKE WITH EACHOTHER RIGHT NOW! I ready my knife again and jump onto the couch where y/n and stab them.

Blood splatters all over my face covering my eyes and my mouth spreads into a wide smile.

"NAGITO NO!" I hear y/n scream. I quickly wipe the blood from my eyes to see Nagito laying there on the couch, covered in blood.

nagito x ed sheeran 😩‼️Where stories live. Discover now