Chapter 11:Challenge

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*3rd pov*

The air in the room was now tense for Y/n, the silent stare and threatening aura his Farther was exuding was only rivaled by his Girlfriends confident posture and demanding aura.

Y/n:Look now let's not-


This shut Y/n as he stepped back a little intimidated, even though he could easily beat his farther using souledge, Seig slowly got up still staring at Artoria while rooting around his armour looking for somthing. Finally finding it he reveals a small medal with an engraving of a unicorn with a blue ribbon.

Seig:If you're gonna date and eventually marry my son-


Seig:You're gonna have to fight me, if I win you're unworthy of my boy and your relationship will have to cease. But if you win you have my blessing.

Artoria stood up quickly while putting her hand on her chest.

Artoria:I accept your challenge and I tell you now. I will win.

She said this with a confident turn and serious face making Seig laugh.

Seig:We'll see that, little girl.

This annoyed the king before she marched her way to her armour putting it on, once she was done she walked over to the door before looking over her shoulder to Seig.

Artoria:Training room, 10 minutes.

With that she left closing the door. Y/n sighed Relaxing a little due to the heavy air Finnaly lifting allowing him to breath properly, looking over he saw Seig had already went back to eating his food as if nothing had ever happened.

Y/n:Did you really have to do that?

Seig looked up Finishing his food.

Seig:Of corse it's tradition.

He put his plate on a side table before inspecting his sword. He smiled strapping it onto his back and walking out the room leaving Y/n Worrying about the fight, he sat there for a fe second before realising he's been left behind so he runs out the room closing the door Catching up to seig.

*At the Training room*

Artoria was waiting for seige with her back turned away from the door with her lance resting beside her, A loud creaking alerted her to Seigs presence before she dodged a swing picking up her lance at the same time.

Artoria:Shouldn't we wait for Y/n!

Seig didn't listen. Instead he twirled his sword in an X formation putting her on guard, she retaliated by thrusting her lance forward.


He grabbed the lance using his right arm before throwing her off balance and headbutting her into the ground.
She looked up just in time to roll out of the way of a downward stab from her opponent, getting up she faked a slash before double kicking Seig pushing him back and opening his Guard.

Artoria:you're finished.

Doing a 360° spin slash, she was sure it was a direct hit.


She missed. Seig had leaned back at near enough a 90° angle dodging her slash, he smiled before coming back up using the momentum to shoulder barge her away from him.

Seig:Be gone with you!

He stopped for a second before he bursted forward with an erratic blue glow with purple whisps dancing around him making it look like fire. The king was surprised by the sudden increase of power and the familier feeling she got from it though it was only a Remnant of it, she blocked a diagonal slash from seigs Zweihander
But the floor buckled under the force and shattered making her loose her footing.


The Beast of a sword was no nuzzled into her shoulder despite her best efforts to block it.

Seig:Give up!

She started getting a sudden burst of strength hearing those words.


Her lance glowed a bright gold before it erupted in a blinding light pushing Seig back. He couldn't see it, but he felt it. Artoria was plunging her lance
All over his body pushing him back and leaving no room for him to retaliate.


He steady'd himself slowing his breathing as much as he could letting the power of souledge flow through the area, he reached out in front of him grasping at the white void he was seeing, He caught the lance before it made contact with his chest.

Seig:I don't need my eye's to fight!

He flipped her over before slashing up throwing her up in the air, he thrust where she should be before feeling it be blocked. So he backed up a bit not realising that he wasn't out of range.


The cold steel of the Kings lance has been precisely frusted through the gaps in seig's armour, where the chest plate connects to the waist/legs, locking his movements and allowing her to punch him across the room.


He caught himself looking up and blinking finally being able to see.

Seig:Enough of this!

He ran forward throwing his sword forward making Artoria parry it throwing it into the ceiling. She looked down seeing Seig appear bellow her ready to punch her, having no time she couldn't stop Seig punching her in the chest pushing her back into a wall cracking it.


She looked up seeing Seig in a judo stance but, she had a lance. Confidentiality she rushed at Seig ready to practically impale him through the side, not enough to kill him but enough to make him forfeit.
He smirked watching her get closer putting her on edge.

She slammed her lance down hoping to Finnish him. He span dodging her attack and getting a couple steps behind her, the force from the strike shook the ground cracking it sending a spider web crack along the floor and up the wall.


The crack crawled across the ceiling reaching where seigs Zweihander was, un-lodging it from its position and falling into Seig's hand turning he pushed Artoria back with it before attempting a slash.

Seig:You're finished!

Just as it was being brought down another sword was put between the two, stopping the sword and pushing Seig back.



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