Chapter 18: The Castle

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*3rd pov*

The group landed near the outer walls of Camelot before they made there way into the city, none of the guards were on duty since they were all probably killed, drunk or assaulting the public.

They slowly and carefully made their way through the desolate streets snaking their way towards the castle, As they make their way to the top a large group of guards are seen up ahead beating a young woman.

Gwyn:......Let's go.

Gwyn simply turns into an nearby alley continuing his trek, the others however stop as they see Artorias twitching with small black flames circling him, Gudako gets close to and was about to place her hand on his shoulder but-


He suddenly sprints towards the group with his sword in a reverse grip running at them like a wild wolf, soon he was on top of them.


He was cut of by Artorias slicing him in half from the crown to the waist splitting him down the middle and alerting the others, they surrounded them as the Knight picked up the girl cradling her.

Guard:By the name of the king you *uuuk! *

Artorias in a split second had closed the gap biting the guard by the neck before ripping out his throat, the others shook in their boots as the Knight infront of them raised up to his usual 9ft before staring down at them all with both his eyes and mouth a flame.


Most of the guards left except for two who were too confident in themselves to back down, a ginger haird man with blue eyes, a mace and a few bits of armour with a large Eagle on it, and a insane looking man with long black hair in a braid, brown eyes, a shirt with the sleeves ripped off and two wrist weapons.

Ginger:Let's get this freak!!

Braid:With pleasure-

Artorias simply swung his sword clockwise cleaving the two in half before axe kicking the two top half's away. The flames slowly died down as Artorias slowly put the girl down before patting her head and leaving.

Artorias:Stay out of trouble little girl.

As he got back to the group he too entered the alley way with the others following, Lartoria caught up with his tride before talking to him.

Lartoria:That was a very noble thing of you to do.

Artorias:Thanks, it is the duty of a Knight after all.

Lartoria simply noded before staying quite for the rest of the walk. After a while Gwyn who had been leading the group turned into a random tavern, it was a lot nicer and more homly with Amber lighting and a smell of freshly made bread and meat.

Gwyn:Go sit in that corner table, I'll be back.

They did so not knowing what was the point at coming to a random tavern, but before long gwyn came back with the bartender with him.

She was a middle aged girl with long red hair, green eyes, wearing a leather outfit with long thigh high leather boots, gold bracelets, a large wolf pelt draping across her shoulders like a Cape and a purple crystal hanging from her necklace.
(think Girēnu Dedorudia mixed with rias gremory)

Jane:Hello! I'm Jane and I hear you all need help getting into the castle.

Gudako:Yes please, any help would be appreciated.

Jane pulls out a map of the castle and a couple of potions, she puts them on the table before giving a big smile.

Jane:This is a map of the castle, there's a hatch in the back that'll lead you to the 4th floor.

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