Chapter 13:War Pt-1

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*3rd pov*

It's been 9 months since Y/n and Artoria fought Seig, many things have happened since then: The two Finnaly told everyone about their relationship to the others (Except Merlin's) surprise, the army has been bolstered by the new techniques being taught to them by both Seig and kiluk, Taki has since left Camelot to make a new clan in England at 5 locations, London, Essexe, Winchester, Glowecestrescire and Jorvik and finnaly Ivy stayed in Camelot and became a very wealthy and influential nobleman.

However two things worried Y/n immensely, Mordred had became increasingly distant to everyone and Artoria hasn't been going out of the castle much plus she's been sick for the last couple of months.

Right now Y/n is walking through through the halls with a tray of different foods like normal stake and salad but also the weird strawberries and cheese that his Girlfriend has started to like.

*Y/n pov*

I've just come up to Artorias door so I knock it a few times before walking in. Once i close the door behind me I gaze onto the beautiful figure of my King sitting at the table, I'm worried though. She's been acting different, she been hiding herself in her cloak a lot, she's been eating a lot more and she hasn't been out of the castle in months.

She hasn't noticed me yet so I lay down the tray carefully on a table before I sneak up behind her, I smile a bit before I wrap my arms around her covering her eye's.

Y/n:Guess who~.

She raises her hands and places them on mine with a slight gigle.

Artoria:Oh no who could it be?

She fells my hands a bit before speaking again.

Artoria:Judging by the feel it must be Lancelot.

Y/n:Keep joking and I'm going to break your neck.

Artoria:Of corse I'm joking, My love.

I take my hands off her eyes before I wrap my arms around her bringing her into a hug.

Y/n:That's better.

Artoria:So what are you doing?

Y/n:I've brought you up some dinner.

Hearing this she shoots up before looking around, her eyes finnaly land on the tray of food before she rushes over grabbing the tray and bringing it over.

I take the seat next to her before I start working on some papers I brought with me, I've been keeping track of the treasury as well as the well being of the troops and the other knights.

Artoria:haven't you made yourself any?

I look up smiling.

Y/n:Oh no, I've already ate.

She pouts a bit before I return to my work. A few seconds later I hear her trying to get my attention so I look back up to see her offering one of her strawberries with a smile.

Artoria:C'mon eat up

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Artoria:C'mon eat up.

I smirk a bit before letting her put it in my mouth, but as she does I lick her fingers getting a blush from her. Eating the fruit the flavour of both the it and the cheese mix in my mouth making a strange yet nice flavour, I look over to her smirking as she pouts a bit more.

Artoria:Why'd you do that?

Y/n:Why not, plus your cute when you get flustered.

She blushes more as I start laughing, I wish this moment will never end. Just as I thought that one of the guards burst through the door out of breath, we quickly look over to him before he stood up saluting.

Guard:My liege an army is marching towards the castle!

She quickly stood up slamming her hands on the table.

Artoria:How long until they're here!?

Guard:They will be upon us in the next couple hours.

Artoria:Round up my army and have them posted outside the walls, the round table will lead a small battalion each.

She puts her hand in her chin before she speaks again.

Artoria:Do we know who leads them and how many there are?

Guard:There's around 15,000 men and the one who leads them is...

Artoria:Go ahead then spit it out.

Guard:It's your son, the helm and the sword was a dead give away for the scouts.

Artoria's eyes widen as she sat back down with her head in her hands, I pat her on the back trying to comfort her, she needs to calm down so I look over to the guard before motioning him to go spread the word.As he does so I turn back to my love embracing her in a warm hug while I run my fingers through her hair, she leans into me rubbing her head into my chest, slowly I feel a wet spot form on my shirt so I hold her closer with my head resting on hers keeping my hand  going through her hair.

Y/n:shh, come on I'm here. It's going to be okay.

She cries harder before she looks up to me keeping her mouth on me only letting the top half of her face to be seen.

Artoria:B-but i-I-I'm going to have t-to fight her.

I lean toward her kissing her on the forehead before I pull back smiling at her.

Y/n:It's OK when we get to her we'll just have to knock some sense into her.

She gets off me before rubbing her eyes and looking at me with a new found determination.

Artoria:You're right, we gonna get her and bring her back home!

I smile brightly before I pump my fist in the air.



Getting off me she grabs her helmet before walking out chuckling I follow after her shutting the door behind us, walking next to my love I materialise my armour feeling its weight being added to me before I reach out my hand grasping a newly materialised souledge.

*3rd Pov*

As the two was making their way to their army Mordred is seen on her horse swith her army slowly marching towards Camelot, her voice echos out from her helmet before she speeds up her horse towards the kingdom.

Mordred:I swear Farther, Y/n when I take over Camelot ill finally... Prove myself TO BOTH OF YOU!

She raises her sword forward gaining a mighty roar from their army as they speed up with determination and fury.


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