Late for school.

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No one's pov

Larry is running into school thinking he was late since sal had told him he was and since he had just woken up he believed him without checking the time. As he ran in he bumped into the one and only Travis Phelps. "Watch where you're going faggot!"

Larrys pov

As I ran in I bumped into the one and only Travis Phelps. "Watch where you're going faggot!" He yelled at me, i grunted as i didnt have time for Travis. Then I realized, if im late then Travis is late too, and Travis is never late. "What time is it?" I pull out my phone to check the time as Travis stares at me as if i were an idiot, which in this case i was for believing sal. I look over at Travis and gave him the finger and walked away to find sal. I walked to where we usually hanged out and there he was. Ash, Todd and Sal. As i get over there i playfully punch sal in the shoulder "You're such an ass you know that?" I complained. "Surreee." "Why would you do that to little me im sooooo innocentt!!" I said in a very sarcastic tone. "Pfft, shut up lar you know it was funny." "Funny to you yeah!" I rolled my eyes. The bell rang and we all went to our classes.

This class is so fucking lame. I hate Mrs Packerton. I raise my hand to 'use the bathroom'. To my surprise she let me go. I didnt even need to use the bathroom i just wanted to leave. I go to my locker and grab my stuff and leave the school. As i approach the apartments i go around back and go up to the treehouse and sit down. My mind wonders off.. Why is Travis such a dickwad? What the hell did we do anyway. I was brought back to reality by my phone buzzing, it was sal.

Sally Face - "are you skipping again?"
Larry - "yup 😎"
Sally Face - "mk just dont get caught by lisa"
Larry - "i wont i wont"
I sigh and grab my secret stash of weed and smoke some for a while, it helps me to feel more relaxed and get my mind off things and my mind was places i didn't need it to be, Travis. A few hours later i finally leave the treehouse and go back to my room through the back door. I grab clothes and a towel to take a quick shower before mom gets back. After the shower i put on a red sanity's fall shirt and black pants.

I check my phone for any calls or texts, none. I turn on the tv and the console and just as i put in the game i get a text, its from sal. He told me hes coming over in a few since school is over. I respond with a plain and simple "ok". I set my phone down and take the game out and plug up the other controller so we can both play whenever he gets here. I hear sal knock at the door so i get up and open it for him. As i open the door he rushes in past me and into my room. I stare for a few seconds then close the door and walk back to my room and close the door behind myself at stare at sal in confusion. "Uh, Whats up dude?" "You won't believe what i found!!" "What'd ya find?" "I think its like a love confession note, and its from the one and only Travis!" "TRAVIS?!" I yell loudly out of shock and confusion, Travis Phelps has a crush on someone. Wow, not something you see everyday. "Yup! It's to a boy but the name is scribbled out. I was thinking Todd could somehow figure out what the name is." "I thought Travis was homophobic?" "Well here it says But i know these feelings are wrong. Its not the way a boy should feel. Shame swallows me whole. My father would kill me but i can't live in his shadow forver i just.... And it ends there. What im thinking is that his dad is pushing his beliefs onto him and making him think being gay is wrong." "Hm.. Possibly." "Welp, anyway we gonna play video games or just stand here?" "Yup, pizza?" "You know it!!" I ordered the pizza and we played as we waited for the pizza to get here. Once it got here we ate it as we played while leaving some for mom. Soon sal left and went back to his room. I put my hair back and played Sanity's fall as i painted.

The next day.

I heard my alarm beeping as i was still painting "Damn, already morning?" I sighed and turned it off as i untied my hair and changed. I sighed and texted sal
Larry - "you up dude?"
No response, he's usually up by now..
Sally Face - "yea i was changing"
Larry - "oh lmao ok"
Sally Face - "you stayed up all night?"
Larry - "yup"
Sally Face  - "try to stay awake today and not skip school"
Larry - "ill tryyyy, no promises tho"
Sally Face - "mk"
I laughed and looked at the time. I had a few more minutes before i needed to leave so i left my room and ate breakfast, i assumed mom was either asleep or at work. I shrugged and left to the elevator. As i left the apartments i saw sal ahead of me "Hey sal!!" I yell out to him. He looks behind too me and stops waiting for me. I quickly catch up and we walk together. We're joking around as we walk up to the building i see Travis. I look down at Sal and... HES WAVING AT TRAVIS?!

Sals pov

I saw Travis and waved at him while smiling... realizing he can't see my smile soooo thats awkward for me. He waves back and smiles slightly. I look up at Larry to ses him shocked. I laugh and continue walking "Sal what the hell?!" "Chilllll, he said he was sorry yesterday in the bathroom." "He- Apologised?" I could hear the surprise in his voice. I laughed. "Yeppp." "I dont trust him." "You will soooooonnn. Oh also i invited him to hang out later today at your place!" "WHAT?!" Jeez, Larrys loud it hurts. Like louder than Sanity's fall.

Larrys pov

"WHAT?!" I shouted. Sal invited TRAVIS PHELPS over to MY PLACE to hang out. What the fuckkkk. I didnt agree too this. I mean sure Travis is kinda cute but- WAIT WHAT?! Im going fucking crazy, i think maybe i smoked too much yesterday or i just need sleep. "Chill Larry! It'll be fun! Maybe we can figure out if his dad is hurting him since we'll get a closer look." I mean yeah if Travis's dad is hurting him, fuck i wanna do something about it. That'd make sense as to why he was being suck an ass to us but it doesnt make up for it. "I guess so." We put up our stuff just as the bell rings. I sigh and walk to my class. I ended up falling asleep not even knowing. Stupid teacher woke me up. I was so tempted to just tell her to fuck off but i didnt wanma get in trouble, not today at least. I tried to stay up but i kept falling asleep. The bell rang and i left quickly. I felt an arm grab me, i look back thinking it was sal but i was met with an unexpected face.

Travis's pov

I saw Larry leave as soon as the bell rang but i really wanted to talk to him. I managed to grab his arm, he looked back at me with a bit of surprise. "Uh, hey.." I say a bit nervously but trying not to make it obvious. "Hey.." "...I wanted to say sorry to you, i already did to Sal and the other two so.. Yeah i didnt want to be so rude to you guys and i didnt mean it and i know this doesnt make up for it but im going to try and make it up. I know im not trust worthy yet bu-" I was cut off by Larry. "Woahhh okay chill dude. Its fine i understand. Ill see you later." He smiled at me and left.. HE SMILED!! I like alot of things about Larry, his long hair, his smile, his voice, just him!! I know it's a sin and not the way i should feel towards another boy but i cant help these feelings. He just can never know, i have to keep them hidden from him. Especially father. He'd murder me if he EVER found out.

Church Boy and the Metal Head. ( Travis x Larry )Where stories live. Discover now