What a Tragedy..

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A/N : hi guys,, when i wrote the second chapter i was interested in travis x larry, i then stopped writing because i got out of my sally face phase. I am back into it but I'm not as interested in larry x travis anymore. I will finish this fanfiction though and move onto a new one. Honestly, it will probably be sal x travis or something like that. If you guys have any character x character fanfics or a certain genre you want me to write, again let me know since i'll be trying to end this quickly.

Larry's POV

Once I stepped outside I smelt an unpleasant smell. What could that be? Nothing here ever smelt so bad other than when Mrs Sanderson got murdered. So what the hell could smell so bad it smelled worse than that? I went to the elevator and pressed the second floor. The smell got even worse, I walked over to Todd's apartment and knocked on the door. I couldn't stand the smell, it was so much worse here. I knocked again waiting for Todd or one of his parents to answer it.

Once Todd finally answered the door I ran into his house, it smelt much better in here than out there.
“Do you know why it smells so bad in the halls, and sort of all throughout the whole apartment?” I asked.
“No, though I do believe it's coming from Mrs.Packertons room. Which happens to be right beside mine. Since you know, she's making lunch meat out of humans and we still haven't said anything to anyone.” Todd explained.
“Yeah, so is anyone going to complain to Mr.Addison about the smell?” I asked, I didn't want to be that person and most people don't really like me.
“Perhaps Sal, everyone likes him and he doesn't complain much, so Mr.Addison would probably investigate it.” He said. It would be a smart idea.
“Alright then, we’ll just have to have him actually do it.” He nodded in agreement.

I forgot the actual reason why I came to talk to Todd so I just said goodbye and left. I went back down to my apartment where it didn't smell.

I checked my moms room to see if she was there, she wasn't so i assumed she was already at work. I went back into my room and played Sanity's fall. I tied my hair back and painted as the music played. I honestly had no idea what I was painting, I was just painting whatever came to mind. As the song went off a different song from sanity's fall came on. I continued painting, slowly seeing it take the form of a dog. I painted it layed down with a night background and white foggy paint around the dog, making it stand out from the background.

Once I was done I realized it had been a few hours. I heard my stomach rumble so I stopped painting and turned the music off as I left my room. I heard a knock at the front door. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was sal, he ran in and slammed the door shut as quickly as he could.

“Damn salio, you good?”
“Yeah, it just smells really bad out there. Even somehow at my apartment. Do you know where it's coming from?”
“Mrs.packertons room. It got worse when I went to Todd's place and he said it was from Mrs.packerton.”
He didn't seem too surprised from what I could see.
“Expected. What’re we gonna do about it though?” He asked as he fixed his mask.
“Welllll… me and Todd agreed that you could go to Mr.Addison because we think he’ll listen to you and actually do something about it since you barely ever complain about anything.” I explained, actually a bit nervous this time that he would decline. I heard Sal sigh.
“Alright, whatever. Right now or?” He asked.
“No not now, I'm hungry as hell. I haven't eaten in a few hours because I've been painting if you can’t tell.” I said pointing out all the paint that stained my shirt. He laughed at me.
“You're a very messy painter. Anyways, what do you want to eat?” Sal asked.
“No idea man. We could get hot dogs?” Sal stared at me in disgust.
“Hell no man, i don't think i ever want to eat bologna meat, not after what happened with packerton.”
I laughed, I knew he'd say something like that. I honestly did it just to get a kick out of it. We went to this little restaurant that had just opened recently. As we were leaving I got a call. I excused myself and walked off to the side to answer.
“Okay okay, I'll be right there. Just try to breathe and keep yourself safe.”
I hung up and explained what was happening to Sal, he nodded and we ran to Travis’ house. I had snuck into his house before so I had a ladder by his window. Sal held the ladder still as I climbed up to his already open window. Once I had reached the window he was curled up in a sobbing mess of a ball. I swept him up from his bed sheets and carefully went back down the ladder as Sal held it while calling the police.

Church Boy and the Metal Head. ( Travis x Larry )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ