Accidental confession?

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Sals pov 

The woman stared in shock, she looked as if she had never been talked to like that before. She quickly walked away, took her children and left the restaurant. After that whole incident we all continued eating. While I was eating I was trying to think of an excuse to leave the table to try to get Larry and Travis alone. After a few minutes of thinking I came up with a genius idea. I acted like my phone was ringing. 

“Hold on guys.” I put the phone over my ear.

“Hello?... What's wrong dad?” I made a fake shocked face.

“I'll be there quickly.” I put my phone away.

“I'm sorry dudes. I have to go, my dad needs me. He said it's an emergency.” I apologized and quickly left the table. I moved to a place where I could see them but they couldnt see me. 

Travis’ pov

Sal left because of an emergency with his father so now it was just me and Larry. I felt like now would be a good time to tell Larry how I feel. Though if he doesnt feel the same way I feel itd be extremely awkward. I dont want to be just friends knowing my sinful feelings for him. It's been weeks and these feelings won't go away. I hate it and I wish theyd go away. I hate Larry, but i dont hate him, I hate his stupid voice and his stupid hair and his stupid face. Though I want him to be only mine. I need his voice, it makes me feel like I'm safe. 

“Travis? You okay dude?” Larry broke me out of my thoughts. 

“Yeah..” I smiled. 

“Anyway, Wanna go back to addison apartments with me?” Larry asked.

“Oh, um.. Sure.” I quickly finished eating seeing as Larry was already done. 

Back at the apartments in larrys room

“You and your room smell like weed all the time. Do you ever spray air freshener or take a shower?” I complained. To be fair it wasnt the best scent in the world. My fathers room smelt like this so anytime I would be around him before Church or when he woke me up, he would reek of that stuff. 

“I do shower! Is it that noticable? I try to keep all that stuff out at the treehouse and usually I take a shower when I come back inside.” Quite unbelievable.

“Well it smells strongly of it. I'm surprised no one has said anything about it.” I rolled my eyes. 

΅Hm.. Well, do you wanna try it? It's very stress relieving. I think you could use anything stress relieving considering your father is the pastor at a church.” Why would I ever want to try it? It smells terrible and i can't even begin to imagine how itd taste. Disgusting.

“No, Thank you.” I politely declined. 

“Awh cmon. Dont be a butt.” I looked at him with a weird expression.

“I am not a butt, I said no.” 

“Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeeeeeee!!!” Larry begged and begged. It began to get annoying so I agreed. I already knew this would be the worst decision of my life.

He introduced me to it and showed me what he called the basics. I tried it out and boy did I cough like hell. Larry just laughed at me and hit my back. He told me to keep trying so I did. No idea why I'm listening to this lowlife but alright.

A few hits later and I feel better than ever. Larry was all chill and laying on his bean bag. This was the happiest i think ive ever been. Suddenly everythings off my mind and I just felt like laughing with him. Then I also felt like crying my eyes out. Crying so loudly people who lived oen the other side of the earth could hear me. I began to tear up while staring at Larry as he made circle shapes with the smoke. I stared and smiled, giggling. After an hour or so we were both stoned like hell. We layed beside each other on his bed and I looked over at him. 

“You know what Larrryy? I think youre like… such a cutie and I've liked you for a whileee..” He stared at me and I stared back confused. Only a few seconds later I realized what I said.

“Pfff really??” He laughed. 

“Um.. I'm gonna go..” I quickly got up and left his apartment room. 

The next day

Today was a Saturday, luckily. No church, no school. I’ve got a major headache so I really dont want to do anything today. Even the thought of eating made my stomach drop. Ive never really felt like this unless i felt guilty about something ive done or like ive done or said something that i regret. I thought about it for a moment, then I remembered last night. I can never show my appearance at school again. I can't skip class though because theyll call mother or father and if father answers, I’m as good as rotten dead meat. 

Larrys pov

I woke up at my normal time on weekends, which happends to be 2pm. I sighed and realized the smell of weed in here was stronger than ever. I dont remember anything from last night so I have no idea but I'd assume I brought the weed from the treehouse to my room for some reason. That would be dumb so i have no idea why id ever do that, i such a dumbass sometimes. I decided to get up and make breakfast. I’m starving. I check the kitchen just to find we literally have nothing. 

“Finee. I'll just go up to sals place and steal some of his cereal. I'm sure neither he or his dad will mind.”

I left my apartment and went up to Sals room. I realized his door was locked and sighed. I knocked on the door impatiently waiting for someone to answer the door. I heard my phone vibrate. I opened it and saw a message from sal. He was asking if it was me at the door, I quickly responded with yes, still waiting for the door to open. Just a few minutes later, the door opened. I smiled and ran inside, going straight for the kitchen. I heard rhe door close, another door open and shut again. I assumed it was sals door, I guess he just woke up. I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat on the counter as I ate. I saw Henry's door open, i thought he'd be at work or something but i was wrong i suppose. He didnt mind me being there, he said I was welcome anytime so I'd hop in at any time. As I finished eating I washed my dish, it was the least I could do. I then left sals apartment. Once I stepped outside I smelt an unpleasant smell. What could that be? Nothing here ever smelt so bad other than when Mrs Sanderson got murdered. So what the hell could smell so bad it smelled worse than that? 

A/N : so sorry this update is so late, i havent been writing and i havent had much inspiration which is why this chapter is so short. hopefully the next chapter, if not the few chapters after, will be longer. and again i'm always open to new ideas or something youd want to see in a chapter! And a quick question, is there anything youd want me to make a fanfiction about? I could write an actual story rather than fanfics which is something ive been thinking about. but for now, ‘till next time folks ;P

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