*^*Chapter One*^*

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Waking up in the mornings had always been hell. Will never wanted to get up (despite Parv's obvious beliefs that he enjoyed waking up at six every morning) it was just that he knew he needed to wake up, or nothing would get done. So every morning, William would pull himself out of his bed, prepare breakfast, and then bang his fist loudly on Parv's door.

"Parvis!" He always had to speak sternly to the guitarist, else he would listen. Who was Will kidding, Parv didn't listen anyways. "Get your lazy ass out of bed! We have work to do!"

And then, of course, there would be a groan from the other side of the door. "But Will! We did work yesterday."

Will would usually face-door for a moment. "Do not make me open the door, Parvis," he would say back, trying to keep his voice level. There would be a rumple of covers and then William would throw open the door to find a lump of covers on Parv's bed.

He would stroll over to the window and tear open the curtains, letting the sunlight warm the wooden floor and then rip off the covers to a squealing Parv, who would try and escape from the cold and the light. "You have five minutes, and then I'm returning with the water."

Will would leave, and Parv would always be in the kitchen exactly five minutes later, feeling the wrath of the blond and his ice water. This was how every morning went, until Parv started sleeping in Will's bed.

It was probably about a year and a half before the accident happened. It was around one in the morning when Will had a knock at his door. "Go away, Parvis," he mumbled into his pillow. There was another round of knocks and Will let out an annoyed groan. "What?"

"Will? Will I had a nightmare," Parv called through the door. "Can I sleep with you?"

Will didn't even look up, just growled out, "Go away, Parvis," through gritted teeth.

But Parvis didn't go away, he just continued to knock on the door. "Will, please?"

"No, go back to your own room," Will growled. He rolled over in his bed so that he was facing the wall.

Even if he had said that Parv couldn't sleep there, he didn't mind when the door slowly opened. He didn't mind when the door softly clicked shut. He didn't mind when the bed dipped as Parv settled down behind him, or when he felt the other body curled up against his.

And he especially didn't mind waking up next to Parv the next morning.

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