*^*Chapter Two*^*

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Another hard part of the morning was breakfast. God, Will hated breakfast. Even before the accident, it had been completely drawn out and boring. Just wake up, trudge to the kitchen, make some toast or cereal, and eat it.

There were, of course, a few occasions where breakfast was entirely worth the hassle, but those hardly ever came up. Nowadays, William would eat alone at the table. He never went out for breakfast. What was the point, if he couldn't enjoy it with Parv? Exactly, there was no point. Sometimes, he felt there wasn't even a point to living anymore...

Most mornings now, Will would wake up in bed and turn over, each time expecting Parv to have his arms wrapped tightly around Will's waist, each time expecting to be able to bury his nose in Parv's hair and breathe in the essence of Parv. Each time, he was met with disappointment.

Will would drag himself out of bed and sometimes, on the better days, he would quickly shower and change into fresh clothes. But most of the days were bad ones. He wouldn't bother much with breakfast anymore, usually just dry cereal directly out of the box, or bread. Small pleasures like good food just weren't pleasurable anymore without Parvis to share them with.

The mornings would always seemed to drag on for hours, just William on his own, staring down at the table or his shoes, lost in his own mind, once so full of ideas now lost in an IKEA of memories that hurt too much to remember.

One memory of breakfast that Will liked to think about was about a month after Parvis had started to sleep in Will's room. He'd woken up one morning to no Parv. It was odd, he was sure that Parv had fallen asleep right beside him last night, but now Will was not so certain. Maybe Parv had given up on him and finally gone back to his own bedroom?

But after a loud clang of pots from the kitchen, Will decided against this theory, instead dragging himself out of bed and into the kitchen to investigate the sound. There was Parv, sitting on the floor, pancake batter covering his shirt and a nearly completely empty bowl of the batter sitting beside him on the floor, on its side. Will chuckled, "You know, we could have just had toast or cereal or poptarts."

He walked over and extended an arm, pulling Parv up from the floor. The other man pulled awkwardly as his now ruined t-shirt. "Yeah," he mumbled, "but I wanted to make breakfast today. You know, because today is special."

Will crosse his arms and raised his eyebrows, clearly skeptical. "How so?"

Parv looked up from his shirt in horror, his coffee brown eyes searching Will's blue ones for any sign of joking. When he found none, he said, "Don't tell me you've forgotten?"

"Forgotten what, Parvis?" William questioned, bending down to pick up the bowl of pancake batter off of the floor. "Is it Christmas? Because I can't remember having a Christmas in the middle of May."

Parv shook his head, muttering something about forgetfulness, then rushed off back to his own bedroom, to change his shirt. Will put the bowl in the sink and used a damp washcloth to clean the batter that had gotten on the floor before throwing that in the wash and heading out to his room to get changed himself.

After that, he went back into the kitchen to where Parv was just leaning against the door to the outside, smiling over something on his phone. When Will walked into the room, he looked up and his grin widened. "So, shall we go out for breakfast, then? I kind of ruined the pancakes..."

Will chuckled, and they went out to Parv's car, where the black-haired man insisted on driving for once. William didn't argue, just sat and looked out the window in the passengers seat. To be honest, he had no idea where Parv was driving to, Will was just going with whatever the darker haired man had in mind.

Finally, Parvis pulled up to a small café and dragged Will inside. The blond nearly slipped on the way in, and he cursed under his breath as the somewhat taller man led him to a table, where they sat across from one another, Parvis grinning and William still thoroughly confused.

"I still don't understand what's going on," Will grumbled after a nicely dressed girl took their drink orders. "Why we couldn't have just had toast or something at home."

"But Will!" Parv cried, as though such an action was a felony. "How can you forget your own birthday?"

His own... Oh, that's right, today was his birthday. "Really, it's not a big deal, Parvis," Will explained, trying to reason with his friend. "Birthdays aren't really my thing. I usually don't even celebrate mine."

Parv gasped, and it took Will a moment to realise that he wasn't mocking him. "Well, today we have to celebrate your birthday," he insisted. Will just grunted as their food was brought over.

After much pressuring, he finally got Parvis to drop the whole celebration thing, but he couldn't stop the other man when he passed a box across the table. It was wrapped sloppily in yellow wrapping paper, and was about the size of a book. Will wasn't surprised when he opened it to find that it WAS a book. A book titled 'Friendship for Assholes.'

"Thanks, Parvis."

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