*^*Chapter Three*^*

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After eating breakfast, Will would lie around on the couch or a chair, occasionally spending the day in Parv's old bed, which he refused to get rid of. The days seemed lifeless, endless, emotionless. Stripped of everything except pain. Pain that seemed to haunt the blond man wherever he may turn.

On most days, Will refused to think about Parvis, but he was only lying to himself. No matter what happened, where he was, he was always thinking of the dark haired man, of his laughter, his stupid jokes, and often times the small moments of intimacy they used to share. Sometimes, when the pain was too unbearable, Will would pretend that Parvis had just left him instead.

He'd practically built an entire fantasy about it. Will had come home from work at his office to find Parv packing his things into a suitcase. When Will had asked what was happening, Parvis had replied with a simple "I'm leaving, William." Parv never addressed Will using his full name, he always used Will, and occasionally Strife. But never William. Parv's voice had been stern and assertive, not something often heard from him, and it had made Will feel, well terrified. The black haired man had finished packing and just left. Left with Will reduced to nothingness in his own living room.

But of course, that's not what happened.

Before the accident, Will usually finished eating breakfast with Parv and had gone off to work at the office, staying home in Saturdays and the occasional Sunday to spend more time with the other man. They usually just played video games, as that was basically what Parv did all day anyways.

Parvis worked for this company called the Yogscast. Well, the guitarist called it a group, but William was pretty sure that anything with a CEO was technically a company. He played video games, and made videos of himself playing video games. Parv was also, as Will would say, in a shitty band, but he eventually learned not to insult Parv's music, or his band. Often times, Will would poke fun at Parvis about the Yogscast. What he didn't tell Parv was that on the - now more frequent - days that he didn't come home for lunch, he was actually busy watching the Yogscast's new videos. Will sometimes made his own YouTube gaming videos.

But enough about Will, he would shake these thoughts from his mind and focus back on the only thing that mattered, and that was Alex Parvis.

There was one day that Will especially liked to think about, and that was the day that William finally came to terms with his own feelings. He'd just been sitting on his own on the couch, while Parv was sat on the floor, playing GTA V or something like that, Will didn't exactly remember, that part wasn't important, anyways.

Parv had died, or lost, depending on what game he was playing, and started swearing under his breath excessively, to the point where Will was actually concerned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just bloody fine," Parv grumbled, respawning in his game. "Absolutely perfect, didn't take me twenty minutes to get to that part of the map at all!"

It was at that moment that Will realised he actually cared. He genuinely cared that Parvis was upset. He felt the strange, sudden urge to hug the other man, and run his fingers through his soft and downy-looking hair.

Will shook off these thoughts quickly, and just grunted, pretending to go back to his book, even though his mind was still focused on Parv and his annoyance at the game.

These thoughts and feelings for the guitarist - if you wanted to call them that - continued for quite some time, and no matter how much William tried to shove them away, they only continued to get stronger, until the blond man was eventually fighting off the will to just wrap Parv up into a hug and keep him there, safe in Will's arms, for all of eternity.

And then the cutting started.

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