*^*Chapter Six*^*

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The worst part of leaving the house came with returning home.

There would be flashes of memories, images Will wanted to forget, words spoken he never wanted to hear.

Phantom blood stained the carpet.

Ghosts of furniture were thrown precariously about.

An image of Parv tossed carelessly upon the floor was burned into his mind.

Every time William put his hand to the doorknob, turned it, and pushed open the door, these ideas, memories, images hit him like a wave hits the shore; Large, completely unavoidable, and met with a stinging slap. He would spend hours, sometimes, standing outside the door, knowing and dreading what would come if he opened it. He always had to open it.

When he did open that door, when he did put his hand to the doorknob, turn it, and push open the door, Will remembered when he came home.

It had been a normal day, going about normal procedures. Parv hadn't been home when Will had left to pick up the groceries. He often went shopping without Parvis, because the dark-haired man was always trying to sneak candy or something. So Will had gone out while Parv hadn't been there, gotten in the car, and driven to the store.

When Will returned home, he noticed Parv's car was also there, and he got the bags of groceries out of the back, slinging them up his arms and somehow managing to open the door. Will wished he hadn't.

The house was ransacked. Furniture was toppled over and thrown about; Plates and mugs and other pieces were smashed; Doors has been flung open and the one to the bathroom was hanging on one hinge. In the middle of it all, lying bloody, beaten, and near lifeless on the floor, was Parv.

Immediately, Will dropped the bags at the door and ran to his side, crouching down and taking Parv's face in his hands. The Brit's pulse was there, but only just, his heart weak and barely keeping him alive.


The blond already had his phone out, and was dialing 999. Parv was stirring from where his shoulders lay on Will's knees, his head in the other man's lap. He looked down at Parv's face, pale and terrified, and watched something wet drip and fall onto his nose.

Will reached up a hand and wiped his eyes, trying to keep them dry and obviously failing. The person on the phone picked up almost immediately.

"Hello, 999, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, yes," Will said, trying to keep his voice steady as he spoke. "Uh, somebody broke into my house, and my fiancé got really hurt and I think he needs an ambulance."

There was the sound of quick typing and the woman spoke again, "Alright, we're going to need your address, and then we'll send the police and an ambulance right over."

Will swallowed against his tears and gave the woman his address, and much against her advisement, promptly hung up. Parv hadn't said anything else at this point, and the American was slightly surprised when he spoke again. "Fiancé?"

"Yeah," said Will, looking down and fumbling in his pocket for something. When he found it, the small box he'd been carrying around for months, the ghost of a smile crept across his lips. "Fiancé." He opened the box and slid the ring onto Parv's finger, watching the other man slowly turn it over on his hand and smile. "When you get out of the hospital, we'll have a wedding or something. I don't know."

Parv tried to sit up at this point, but his body didn't have the energy to, and he collapsed again on Will's lap. The darker-haired man settled for saying a simple, "Thank you," as Will helped lift him up more, and hurried his face in Parv's hair.

They were silent for another minute, Will trying to stay quiet as he cried softly into his lover's hair. Parv was the one who broke the silence.



"I'm not going to make it, am I?"

"No, Alex, you're not."

"I guessed."

Another wave of silence swept over them as both men realised they were spending their last moments with each other. "I love you, Will."

Parv tipped back his head, his nose bumping against Will's, and the blond found himself once again entranced in his eyes. Those eyes, that gorgeous shade of coffee and brown, not even those could capture Parv's personality, and that was one of the many things Will loved - no, loves - about him.

Gently, Will moved his head and took Parv's face in his hands. He pressed their lips together and mumbled, "I love you too, Alex." Now Will was choking on his words, and when he pulled back from the kiss, Parv's eyes were closed. They opened again slightly when another couple of wet tears splashed onto his skin, fallen from Will's eyes. "I love you, too."

The door, which was left open when Will had entered the house, was pushed open more now as the police and paramedics arrived. One of the people from the ambulance came over and his partner helped put Parv on a stretcher. They carried him away, leaving Will sitting, alone, on the floor.

Needless to say, Parvis didn't make it. Will hated himself every day for it, for leaving to pick up the groceries, for not waiting to take Parv with him. Who knows, maybe then he might not have died. They might have been married, and Sparkles* and Kogie and Leo and all the rest would tease them for it, but it was all in good fun.

Now all that was left were memories.

Memories {a Parvill fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant