Chapter 10

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Amelia's entire life had been surrounded by snakes. By the mere mention of her last name and every noble pureblood seemed to latch themselves onto her like a leech desperate for her life. There was a hierarchy of what was considered "noble blood." It wasn't good enough to just have two wizard parents, and Amelia had known that very well.

Many families choreographed each member's lives, from courting to marriage, like a symphony not to be messed up. There not one falter was allowed in their plans, less they be cast out. To be a member of these noble families was to follow these plans without question. Every infatuation was carefully planned to ensure their dance was perfect. And the noble house of Black had this symphony almost perfected. Almost.

The first measurable falter in this symphony of perfect blood was through Dorea Black. By taking the name of Potter, known blood traitors, she had forever severed her ties from the Black family name. Though her chosen partner was at the very least still a pureblooded wizard. If what Dorea's actions where considered tragic, that of Andromeda was downright blasphemous.

It was through this break of tradition, through the aligning of marriage to that of a muggleborn that the nobility of the Black family name was put into question. There were cracks in the porcelain image of the Black family, and those who remained desperately fought to hide them.

Amelia's lower back ached in a familiar pain as she sat at the dinner table with a family of current and future death eaters. Her body refused to relax with the threats sat across from her. Sirius Black, though not close with him in her current time, was welcomed company in this tense setting. A boy just a few years younger sat across from her. There was a striking resemblance between him and Sirius except for one thing. No mischief glinted in his eyes, replacing it was cold blue eyes with a deep sense of foreboding. Regulus, she presumed.

Orion Black sat at the head of the table, furthest away from Amelia. She didn't remember hearing much about him from Sirius or during her time with the Malfoys and she was beginning to see why. He placed himself away from the family, head of the house but not involved. He didn't speak much apart from a short introduction before taking his seat as his wife called for dinner. Walburga, on the other hand, she knew too much about. She sat opposite to Orion and adjacent to Amelia, engaged and doing what she could to be the perfect pureblood wife and host. She reminded her a lot of how Mrs. Malfoy in that way. All pureblooded women were trained to be to perfect homemakers to their pureblooded husbands. However, while Mrs. Malfoy looked at her son with love and adoration, Wlburga looked to hers with calculation. It unnerved Amelia as she could see the gears grinding in her head as she looked to the (in her eyes) single pureblooded woman in her home.

"So Amelia" the matriarch started "how long do you think you'll be here in London?"

Amelia knew she had to be careful with her words, she didn't want the entire pureblood community to know that the future last Stryker was here from the use of a time turner. However, there posed a problem because she herself didn't know how long she would be here for.

"Just until the start of the school year, I was planning to get a room at the leaky cauldron and then I'll be heading to Hogwarts."

"The Leaky Cauldron? Oh nonsense dear, I could never allow a fine Stryker woman to stay at such a place. We have plenty of room here for you." Amelia smiled at the woman, a smile she had practiced perfectly in her years around nobles. "Mrs. Black you are kind for the offer. However, I was informed by my father that I was to remain... discreet about why I am here." Orion tuned into the conversation at the mention of her father. "While he trusted the Black family to be discreet, there are worries that who I am would cause an issue to what I was sent her to do." She padded at their ego, ensuring she would be able to get the outcone she wanted. It seemed to work as Walburga place a what should've been  comforting hand on her shoulder. Though it made Amelia tense all the more.

"I completely understand my dear, though there's nothing to be concerned about. With the war going on currently, it only makes sense that our dear cousin from Paris was sent to finish her schooling here instead of at Beauxbatons academy. Isn't that right." While it helped to have a cover for why she'd be joining the 7th year class, It unnerved Amelia at how quickly she was able to come up with shuch a thing. This was a woman who was very used to keeping secrets. It worried her what secrets she was currently hiding. "I suppose it is, isn't it?"

"Then it's settled! I'll send a letter to the headmaster informing him of our current situation and tomorrow we'll get everything you'll need for school. That way when you do go back you can ensure your mother and father that you were well taken care of."

And there it was. Nothing these people ever did was out of the kindness of their hearts. Amelia was apart of the wealthiest and one of the most prestigious families in this time. As far as Walburga knew, they held the same title in the future. So helping Amelia would ensure a good ally in the future. "I will be sure to let them know of your families gracious help Mrs. Black." The woman smiled at her before turning to ask her youngest a question about his schooling. Amelia took the distraction to look at Sirius for a moment. He played lightly with the food on his plate, not listening to the conversation. He looked bored at the exchange, but even then she noticed how good his posture was, too good. He was just as tense as she was. He took a moment to look up at Amelia, giving her a coy wink making her almost audibly scoff. Sirius faked a yawn making her lips turn up slightly as she tried to regain her composure. He could tell she was just as bored as he was. "Mother" he asked, causing her to give him a side glance. "I'm sure our dear cousin is rather exhausted from her tiring journey. I could show her to the guest room so she'd be able to get her much needed rest before her busy day tomorrow." She almost spoke but stopped suddenly, looking to their honored guest. With a sigh, Walburga nodded "go" waving them away in what felt like a release on the hold she had on them.

Amelia nodded goodbye to the family, before taking to his side, trying desperately to not look eager to leave them. When they reached the top of the stairs, she took a deep sigh of relief. Sirius gave her a cheeky grin "You were good out there. Then again, I should expect nothing less from a Stryker. And a pretty one at that." Amelia looked to her companion, unfazed with his advances. "Tell me, do you try to flirt with everything that has legs? Or has it just become second nature at this point?"

He takes a small step closer, grin still ever present "Some would say that's my most endearing quality." She matches his step, taking an inquisitive pause before she whispers "sounds like you need to find new ones then." Just as quick as she moved towards him, Amelia turned around and made her way to the guest room she'd be residing in. Oddly enough, it was the same room Remus would come to stay in almost two decades later.

Sirius stayed in place watching the mysterious stranger retreat to her room. Amelia was right, it was second nature to flirt with anything that had legs as she so brazenly stated. Even with her telling him (though he still didn't know whether to believe her or not) that she would be taken by one of his dear friends, he had to test her resolve just a little. And who could blame him? She was quite the specimen.  While even if the girls he spoke to didn't like him, he would at least get some reaction from them. I mean, look at him.

And yet, here she was, completely unfazed. This woman even had the nerve to put him in his place. This interaction was all he needed to know about her.

"Oh Amelia Stryker" he smirked "I like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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