Chapter 5

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Loneliness can be a debilitating feeling. To have dozens of people around you and feel as if you can not connect with them is a feeling so uniquely human, as if it was a something picked out for us to torture ourselves with. Close friends and family could not understand why someone feels this way when they are so clearly there for them. Weren't they? Sometimes people choose this feeling, to protect themselves from the pain of losing people so dear to them. That pain was so much worse, that they'd gladly choose to be alone if it meant never feeling that. For a long time Amelia considered bargaining that pain for a life of no heartbreak, no pain from losing another person.

To be an orphan was to live a life tethered to loneliness. Yes there would be people to help feel that void, but that whole in their heart would never quite fill up just right. Those pieces would fit together, but there was always that one piece that would remain crooked as it was not really meant to be there. Because of this, that feeling of loneliness almost had a feeling of comfort. Like the arms of a nurturing mother it would coax you in to its embrace; instead of warmth though it was cold and without love.

It was easy to retreat into the cold feeling, for it was familiar. So when Harry Potter had once been claimed to steal the spotlight as "the chosen one" it was all too easy for him to fall in that icy comfort.

The letters sent to Amelia began to grow ever more concerning. To first be selected to compete in a dangerous competition and then to be accused of cheating his way in, Harry's guardian knew it was only going to get worse from there. It wasn't long before his closest friend, Ron Weasely, would begin to push him away. Amelia knew how much this hurt him, and with the dwindling number of replies he would get from Sirius, Harry felt as if everyone was walking away from him.

Amelia desperately tried to ease his worries and fears. She thanked Merlin that Hermione still stood by him, knowing that having someone physically with him would help all the more.

It wasn't long before the first task was upon them, which only sent Amelia into a fit of nerves and worry as she got ready. Thankfully the school allowed family to come watch the tournament, something that was a great relief but also unsettled the pureblood. While she had invited Remus to join her, he politefuly declined, knowing the uproar it would likely cause that a known werewolf was going to be there. Instead he stayed with Amelia as she got ready, trying to ease the worries he knew she had. "You know Harry isn't like other children, He's a smart boy. I'm sure he has figured out something clever. Who knows, he might even win this thing."

His heightened senses allowed him to hear the light scoff that came from Amelia in the bathroom. "Let's just hope his first priority is getting out of this tournament alive" she says, walking out of the bathroom and toward the living room where Remus sat. Since the announcement of the tournament, Amelia had rented out a room in Hogsmeade to be closer to Harry should he need anything. It also made traveling to work and Grimmauld place much easier. "if he's as much like his father as you say he is, I hope he at least got a small amount of self preservation from his mother."

He gave a huff of a laugh, standing to help fasten the clasp on the necklace she desperately tried to wrap around her neck. Amelia sighed in thanks, lifting her hair to give him better access. While this wouldn't normally be given a second glance, but to see this woman so willing to submit to him (whether intentional or not) stirred something in him. While it had been awhile since his last relationship, Remus knew courting methods between wizards and werewolves were much different. He had always prided himself on his restraint, but Amelia had always brought out something deep and primal within him.

With a controlled cough, Remus smiled "the downside of Gryffindor, too brave for our own good." She nodded " Among other things. You sure you don't want to come? I think you might actually be able to keep me from running out to Harry if something happens." He gave a light chuckle "I don't think even I could stop that." Amelia laughed, knowing he was right. His heart swelled from the sound, the mere sight of her amazed him. although he knew she was still worried, Remus knew that she was happy. It made what was to come all the more painful.

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