Chapter 2

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Myself and Harry were invited by the Weasley's to go watch a quidditch match with them and the Diggory's. We both loved quidditch, seeing as both of us had played at Hogwarts. But I was really excited to see Cedric again.

I had befriended the Hufflepuff in my fifth year on Hogwarts and had been friends ever since. I haven't seen him since I graduated because of work.

We were walking to the port key Arthur had made in the woods. Harry and I stayed in the back just behind the twins. "Are you excited to See the Irish beat Bulgaria?" I asked Harry.

Before he could answer Ron yelled "My Bulgarians are going to beat your Irish."

"Maybe if they had more than one good player!" I yelled back, making Harry chuckle. He nods excitedly causing me to smile. I put my arm around his shoulders "have you had a good summer, Harry?"

"The best one I've ever had. I wanted to thank you again, for doing this. You didn't have to-"

"Harry I wanted to, you are a great kid and deserve it. I was honored to be your guardian." I smile and ruffle his hair making him laugh again.

We continue walking until I see the Diggory's. "Cedric!" I yell and rush towards him. Jumping in his arms, Cedric stumbled a little, chuckling lightly.

"I missed you Cedric" I tell him as I release him from my hold. "I missed you too, but I'm seventeen now so I can just apparate whenever."

"Oh my! I had totally forgot about that. I'm taking you to a bar after this, Mr. Diggory! I'm taking your son to a bar after this!" Cedric chuckles at my tone, making me smile.

"Still the same Amelia."


The Irish had won and the twins were celebrating by taunting Ron over Victor Krum. "He's an artist" Ron claims, making his situation worse. Loud noise was coming from outside making Fred laugh, "Sounds like the Irish is having their fun." I was laughing at their antics until Mr. Weasley came in looking distressed.

"Stop, stop it" he said sternly, "Its not the Irish." I stand up, knowing only one thing that could worry him. " Is the port key still open?" I ask calmly, trying not to worry the others. He nods, "we need to go now. Boys you don't leave their sides" he tells the twins.

"I'll stay behind them, Mr. Weaseley" I say. He nods and leads us all out to the chaos outside. Everyone is running, trying to get away. "Stay together!" Mr. Weaseley yells before ushering us away. We run through the crowd before Harry gets pulled back. "Harry!" Hermione screams, trying to run for him. Rob grabs her, knowing what could happen she's caught, a muggleborn.

I run to the direction Harry was pulled toward, "Harry!" I scream trying to find him. Everyone around me is shoving, desperate to leave. It slows me down significantly to the point where I'm trying not to be trampled. I hear the death eaters close so I turn away from the crowd in hopes to make better ground.

I can't call for him, with so many dark wizards around they could go after him, if that's not what they're already here for.

Once the crowds died down the field is a place of ruins. The tents are burned down and ash covers the ground. It gets eerily quiet, making me draw my wand. Running around I finally see Harry on the ground, knocked out.

I rush to him, tapping him lightly to wake him. "Harry!" I whisper quickly. He wakes groggily before realizing where he is, sitting up quickly. "Amelia?" He asks.

"We've got to go" I say. He nods and we both go to stand before I man emerges. I pull him down quickly, hoping he hasn't seen us. The man points his wand in the air and makes the dark mark in the sky. I pull Harry behind me and move us away. Harry's foot hits a place loudly making the man turn and walk towards us.

I push Harry to run and hide behind one of the last tents still up. I hear the man still coming towards us and I ready my wand for a fight. "Harry! Amelia!" The others are coming for us. The man runs off, knowing it's a losing battle. He gets away just before Hermione and Ron come rushing towards us. "We've been looking for you guys everywhere" Hermione says, pulling Harry into a hug.

Harry tries to say something before Aurors crowd us. "Get down!" I yell pulling the trio down just before they start shooting spells at us. "Stop!" Arthur yells, "That's my son!" He pulls Ron toward him making sure he's ok.


Dearest Amelia,

The fear I felt hearing of what happened was unimaginable. It took everything in me not to come  find you to make sure you were ok. September cannot come soon enough. I'm glad you and everyone else is alright, I hope these instances don't become a regular occurrence but I feel it may be so.

I can't wait to be able to hold you in my arms again.

"Who's the letter from?" Harry asks. "A friend" I say smiling. Harry grins, "The same friend that's sent you letters all summer?"

I laugh shaking my head at him. "I assume he's more then a friend then."

"Enough about me, we have to get you ready for school." I say, giving him his answer. I double check to make sure everything he needs is in his bags along with extra money to spend at hogsmeade. While asking him everything I notice him smiling, "what?"

"It's nice" he says, "to have someone always making sure I packed everything. This summer has been amazing, I couldn't thank you enough for it. For whatever reason Sirius put you as my legal guardian, I'm glad he did."

I was shocked to hear him say that. It had been a rough start getting used to everything. Harry was a great kid though and I grew to care from him like he was my own,"I'm glad he did too."

Hey Guys! I'm so sorry it took this long but I've finally started finding some inspiration to continue writing!

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