Chapter 3

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"Ok do you have everything you need? Books, school supplies, money for some treats?" Harry nodded once again, seeing that I had asked this several times.

He didn't seem to mind too much, to be honest he almost seemed to enjoy it. "Ok, I guess you ready then" I say sadly. I fix a piece of hair the hair over his face and bring him into a tight hug.

I knew I had only been his guardian for the summer, but I grew to care for him like he was my own. He really was a great kid, and I was going to miss him.

"Please try to not get into trouble this year." He laughed shaking his head "I'll do my best." After awhile I finally let him go, patting his shoulder.

"Make sure you do you homework, Hermione won't be there to do it all the time. And write to me as soon as you can. If you don't I will go down there and see why you haven't." He nods and we exchange a few more words of goodbye before he boards the train with his friends.

As the train leaves, Harry peaks out of one of the windows and waves. I wave back sadly and he's soon out of my sight completely.

Oh, please don't get into trouble.


I look in the mirror one last time before Remus gets here. He was coming over tonight to have dinner together and I wanted to look nice.

I decided on a cream colored silk top that accented my newly tanned skin nicely. The sleeves went to my elbow and had been tucked in my black colored skinny jeans.

I curled my hair loosely and decided on minimal amount of makeup. And I decided to wear a gold bracelet and earrings. After doing the final touches the doorbell rang.

I walked to the door, stopping to take a deep breath, and opened the door. I looked to Remus, smiling "well don't you look dashing, Mr. Lupin" I said playfully.

He smiled "thank you, and I must say you do look absolutely stunning." Opening the door wider, I let him through and walk to the kitchen, swaying my hips slightly.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, I hope you don't mind. I tend to do it the muggle way." Looking over he shakes his head "that's alright, do you need any help?"

"Could you actually go and open that cabinet? There is a bottle of muggle wine I've been meaning to try." (Amelia is 18 now and in England you can legally buy alcohol, which is where she got it)

He nodded and grabbed the bottle along with two glasses. We continued talking as I prepared the meal easily. There was no awkward silence, with him I could be myself. There was no stress to act differently. That's something I've always loved about him.

After I finished the mashed potatoes, I gestured him over. "Try these and tell me what you think" I say lifting the spoon up.  He walks over, putting his arm lightly around my waist and tries them quietly as I look at him expectantly.

"Well" he starts slowly, "what, is something wrong?"

"They are a little plain" he says, trying not to insult me. "What? I put a crap ton of stuff in it." Putting the spoon back in the bowl, I scope some up and put it in my mouth.

When he sees the confused look on my face he chuckles "I was only teasing, there great." I smacked him playfully, giving him a stern expression " that wasn't very nice of you."

After dinner we both decide on sitting on the couch and just speaking to one another. It felt amazing to just have him here and talk to me when we haven't gotten to see each other. Back in Hogwarts we couldnt do this for fear of being caught. While Remus had been my first ever relationship, I craved for the narmalcy of any other relationship. To go out out, to hold hands, to kiss him without fear of people finding out. Even now we have to hide and it's so frustrasting. If its not for our age, then its for his condition.

I can tell it bothers Remus at times, the looks people sends him. It makes my blood boil at the thought of people looking down at him for what he is.  No matter how much I try to show him that he's is nothing like that, I see it stills wears on him. That everlasting sadness in his eye twinges at every scowl or look. It pains me to know he struggles with it, but I continue to show him that i have no intention of leaving his side. He is my prince charming, the love of my life, and I will spend my dying breath proving that to him.

"How has Harry been?" Remus asks, his hand intertagles with mine as he caresses it gently. I smile, "He's good, although I must admit it was hard watching him leave." Since becoming his gaurdian, Harry has become a vital piece in my life. I would never replace his mother, nor did I want to, but he is my family. "Im glad he has you; He hasn't really had someone to care about him. I wish I could've been there for him earlier." he says with a faltering smile.

I shook my head, reaching out to cup his cheek. "Dont. Harry does not blame you. You were doing what you thought was right, and youre here now. That's what matters." Remus sighs deeply, bringing his hand to mine and placing a gentle kiss on my palm. His lips were rough but warm, and they felt like home. "You always know what to say, don't you."

It was like a flash. I had heard that before, but not here. He was younger, his voice smoother. The had happend but not yet. It felt like whiplash hearing those words, time was  jumbled in my mind. I grabbed my head to steady myself, missing his worried look. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I.. doin't know. It's weird, I just had deja vu but almost with soemthing that hasnt happened." I could tell Remus was concerned, but it didn't seem like we were worried about the same thing. It was as if he knew something I didn't. "Maybe you need to lay down. You said you haven't been sleeping well; you might just need some rest." he said, trying to smile. I nodded, still confused by everything.

What is going on?


HEY GUYS (scratches head) been awhile I guess? Ok I know its been a super long time but I'm back now (maybe). So Ive had a lot of chapters written for this book, just not in order and I havent had a whole lot of motivation. HOWEVER, I do love this story and am going to try my best to finish it. I dont know if you noticed, but my writing has change in the year I wrote this chapter and it literally changes right in the middle, but at least its finally out now lol. I hope you guys like it, errors and all!

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